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I heard the crickets chirp and the rising sun shone right in my eyes, awaking me on this new morning on earth.

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw people already running around, playing some form of tag, making music, some were collecting fruits and some just sat around an early morning camp fire, talking. They all seemed so happy to be here.

I glanced over to my right, the half made bow laid there. I grabbed it and started working on it again..

A couple hours had passed, the sun was standing up in the sky now and my bow was finally done. I had also made a couple arrows but I was mostly proud of the bow.

I was admiring my bow when I suddenly heard a loud scream come from the other side of camp. I quickly pushed myself up, grabbed my bow and ran towards the scream.

I was one of the first to arrive at the scene with Bellamy, I held the arrow in my bow, prepared for anything.

It was Murphy, he was holding a girl inches from a small fire. She was grunting and screaming. She looked utterly terrified.

"Bellamy. Check it out, we want the Ark to think the ground is killing us, right? Figured it'd look better if we suffer a bit first." Murphy says smirking at Bellamy and I raise my bow at him.

"Let her go." I say pulling the string on my bow. A huge crowd had gathered around us now and Wells had joined me and Bellamy on the opposite side of Murphy and the girl.

"Now why would I do that?" Murphy asks, still with the ugly smirk on his face. I pinch my eyes at him and tighten the bow even more, but he doesn't even flinch.

"She said let her go!" Wells exclaims and launches himself at Murphy. Murphy drops the girl just besides the fire and I run towards her, crouching down in front of her.

"Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Y- Yeah." She says, stumbling over her words, she immediately stands up and runs toward the crowd, hiding herself behind a few people taller than her.

"You can stop this." Wells said turning himself to Bellamy.

"Stop this?" He chuckled, "Oh I'm just getting started."

Murphy then punched Wells right in his jaw and one of the delinquents watching yelled out 'Fight!' I gave that whole group a glare, because I didn't know which boy yelled it out.

As Murphy's punches to Wells' stomach and face became more frequent more delinquents started chanting for them to fight. As Murphy tackled the boy down everyone behind me and Bellamy was chanting for them to fight. I wanted to speak up so badly, but I knew no one was going to listen to me.

Wells ended up turning himself around, now he was on top of Murphy. He handed him two punches before climbing off of him and walked back into Bellamy's direction.

"Don't you see you can't control this?!" He states at Bellamy. For a second it looked like Bellamy wanted to stop the fight, until he blinked and his cold expression came back up.

"You're dead." Murphy mumbled as he got up from the ground. I didn't even notice he had his knife in his hands until Bellamy stopped him from attacking Wells.

I let out a sign in relieve. But the fear jumped back when Bellamy said, "Fair fight." And handed Wells a knife as well.

"What the hell Bellamy?!" I shout at him, he didn't even glance back at me.

Wells held the knife in his hand while Murphy kept trying to stab him, eventually he cut Well's shoulder and a few kids cheered. "This is for my father." Murphy says before launching himself at Wells. Wells managed to grab Murphy and turn him around, putting the knife  on his throat.

"Wells, drop the knife!" I shout, but if anything Wells tightened his grip.

"Wells!" Clarke suddenly shouts. Her and Finn walk up to Murphy, Wells, Bellamy and I. "Let him go." Clarke orders as she runs towards Murphy and Wells. Wells violently throws Murphy on the ground.

Murphy quickly stormed back up and wanted to throw himself at Wells, but Bellamy stopped him this time. "Hey. Enough, Murphy." He says. Before Murphy could respond Monty and Octavia stumble into camp, Octavia was being carried by an asian boy, I think his name is Monty. She was limping so something had to be wrong..

Bellamy immediately ran towards Octavia and asked her if she was alright. "Where's the food?" Bellamy then asks Clarke.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather." Finn answers.

So that's where they went.. Out looking for food at Mount Weather.

"Then what the hell happened out there?" Bellamy sneers.

"We were attacked." Clarke quickly answers.

"By what?" I ask bursting into the conversation.

"Not what, who." Finn says looking at me. I look back at him in both fear and shock.. "Turns out, when the last man from the ground died on the Ark, he wasn't the last grounder."

"It's true." Clarke then says and all our shocked faces sling towards her, "Everything we thought we knew about the ground is wrong. There are people here, survivors. The good news is, that means we can survive. Radiation won't kill us."

"Yeah. The bad news is, the grounders will." Finn mumbles, but loud enough for most of us to hear.

"Where's the kid with the goggles?" Wells asks. I knew who he meant, Jasper Jordan. Back in the Skybox, all of us, except the kids in isolation, had one class together. Earth skills. While I always hid myself somewhere in a corner, he was the funny kid, always cracking jokes and very present.

"Jasper was hit. They took him." Clarke says and glances over all of us. Until she notices Wells, she walks towards him and grabs his wrist. "Where's your wristband?"

"Ask him." Wells replies, looking at Bellamy.

"How many?" Clarke asks turning to Bellamy. He stays silent, and instead Murphy answers for him.

"Twenty-four and counting." He smirks. I felt the anger boil up inside of me.

"You idiots." Clarke says shaking her head. "Life support on the Ark is failing. That's why they brought us down here. They need to know the ground is survivable again and we need their help against whoever's out there. If you take of your wristbands, you're not just killing them, you're killing us." Clarke states, what a speech. I was never one for group talks and morals, but at least now I knew why a group of teenage delinquents were send down here.

"We're stronger than you think." Bellamy states and steps away from Octavia. "Don't listen to her. She's one of the privileged, if they'll come down, she'll have it good. How many of you can say the same? We can take care of ourselves." He says looking over the crowd. "That wristband on your arm, it makes you a prisoner. We not prisoners anymore. They say they'll forgive your crimes.. I say, you're not criminals. You're fighters. Survivors." And for a second, I felt like chanting with the crowd, and agreeing with Bellamy. I liked his arguments more than Clarke's, until he said, "The grounders should be worried about us." That's when the crowd started to cheer, Clarke walked off and I stayed silent.

I was all for Bellamy's speech, but I wasn't dumb. We were no match for the grounders. We had just landed here, none of us knew how to fight, most of us are just teenagers with a bad temper..

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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