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Minju saw the smirk on Chaewon's face. "What do you mean? Stop, you're creeping me out, weirdo."

"I'll teach you to live your life! I can teach you to stand up for yourself, a-and be bad! I'll teach you tonight, tomorrow's Sunday anyway." Chaewon enthusiastically exclaimed.

"Um, sure I guess. What're gonna do? I thought we were going to watch End Game."

"I don't care. I can watch it some other time, don't worry. We'll have fun later. I need to get something from my place first."

Minju felt uncomfortable at the girl's statement. "That sounds really, really wrong."

Chaewon tsked. "Chill, I'm not gonna fuck you or something." At that moment, they found themselves standing in front of Chaewon's house.

"Woah, your house looks gorgeous." Minju said as she studied the built and design.

"Thanks. Give me a moment to grab my cans. Give me your bags of chips too. You wouldn't want to be running with that." Minju handed her the chips blankly as Chaewon unlocked the gate and the front door, leaving both open. She sped up her room and grabbed the bag of spray cans, which was a little dusty from not being used in a week. She left her food as well as Minju's chips on the table.

Not forgetting to lock the doors and gate, she met Minju outside. "Come on, I found this place a week or two ago."

The cans in Chaewon's bag knocked against each other, creating soft little clangs as she walked.

The duo walked and walked, finally arriving at their destination. A dirty, grey wall in a dark alley near the outskirts of town.

"Seriously? A wall?" Minju didn't dare to touch it. Who knows what could be on that wall.

"Sweetie, did you forget that I told you I vandalise?" Chaewon handed Minju a spare mask which she never used. "Put this on, in case we get chased by the police or some dumb owner. Pull on your hood too." Both girls pulled over their hood and put on the masks.
Minju felt her cheeks burn at the name sweetie.

Chaewon opened her bag and tossed a red can to Minju. "Draw somethung dumb."

"Alright then." .

"Perfect. I'll just leave a quote here. I always do. My trademark." She sprayed a few words onto the wall and put back the cans into the bag. "Let's get out of here before the police arrive."

"The police?"

"Yeah. They do their rounds every night to look for kids like me doing some illegal stuff. Which is what we're exactly doing."

The girls were nearly at the end of the alley when a police car suddenly appeared. "You kids again! Vandalising, I suppose! Jungkook, drive after them now!" The same officer from a week ago yelled.

"Oh, fuck. Not these dickheads again." Chaewon whined.

"Chaewon, what do we do?" Minju asked, looking scared.

"Don't be afraid. We run. Come on." Chaewon grabbed Minju's wrist and ran in the opposite direction of the police car. It was getting nearer and nearer.

They darted behind a car parked after a turning. The police car drove ahead, not knowing they weren't on the right track.

Minju giggled. "That was fun." They got out of their hiding place, checking if the coast was clear. "I told you."  Chaewon replied. "Come on, we better run back to my house before they think they lost us."


Both girls fell unto the couch, exhausted from all the running. Sweat trickled down their forehead and down their neck. Chaewon switched on the fan in the living room.

"What quote did you write?" Minju asked, hand-fanning herself. "I wrote, 'you government pigs are fat and useless, just die already'." Minju's eyebrows went up. "Wow, you're daring as fuck. Wish I was like that."

"I just speak the truth. You can be daring too, if you try."

Both girls pulled down their hoods and took off their masks. "You can keep the mask. I have dozens." Chaewon said, loosing up her hair.

Minju looked at the time, looking surprised. "Shit, 2am already? I better be going."

"I'll walk you home."


may have more slow updates due to school things :')

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