|Memory 17|

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Up and down the City Road....

« - Come on dude! You know i don't like this type of creepy stuff !

Complained the young boy who was fidgeting with the sleeves of his blue hoodie,

- Awh! Are you scared J-man ?

Mocked the other boy that held the door open for his friend,

- No... i am not scared, it's just so... not rad.

Said Jeremy, trying to defend himself from accusations of his friend,

- uh-uh yeah sure, you're totally creeped out man.

Sassed the boy with freckles,

- Urgh ! Alright Gabe i'll prove to you that i ain't scared of that kid's pizzeria!

Argued the dark skinned boy, walking inside the building, Gabriel followed behind him closely, laughing at his friend,

- Good ! Let's go then bro ! »

The door closed behind them, leaving them in the unknown

You finished shopping for the twin's gift at least one hour ago and still no sign of William. He had left you to take care of Michael and Elizabeth while he had to deal with something really quick. He had taken Evan with him and told you he was in his office to deal with some paperwork.

To say you were nervous was an understatement, both Michael and Elizabeth were playing in the pizzeria while you were just staring into the void. The worst part was that you were beginning to hear voices again, but this time it wasn't your brother's nor Susie's and it felt more like a memory, well not yours, obviously.

Your nails were hitting the wooden table, making a satisfying noise for your brain, and very annoying for any person being next to you.

In and out the Eagle...

Suddenly two boys next to Michael and Elizabeth caught your attention, probably because they seemed to make the young Aftons very uncomfortable, so you of course decided to check on them to see if they were annoying them. You walked toward the many arcade games where Michael was playing with Elizabeth, and put your hand on Michael's shoulder.

« - Are they annoying you Mikey ?

You asked the boy in front of you which was glaring at the two boys, Elizabeth was just trembling behind her brother with an upset look,

- Yes, they said my dad was a butthole!

You sighed and put your protective mode on, sure you didn't like Will, but you liked his kids, so you glared at the two guys and barked at them,

- Don't you guys have better things to do? What are your names, where are your parents?

The two boys glanced at each other, seemingly annoyed, and the one with freckles argued back,

- No ! We can't get out ! You- you don't understand ! They think we disappeared !

A look of confusion appeared on your face, oh no ... you suddenly understood..

- Wait... Are you ...

You looked at the boys in front of you and remembered the news you saw this morning, did Afton..?

- Hey Michael.. Can you and your sister go play somewhere else, i'll deal with them... if you see your father... just tell him you can all go without me, i have to stay at the pizzeria for business, okay?

Michael looked back at you with his big eyes and nodded, taking his little sister's hand,

- Alright, y/n ..

As the two Afton's kids walked away you turned toward the two boys and raised an eyebrow at them,

- Are you guys.. Jeremy and Gabriel?

They both looked at you and said at the same time,

- Yeah dude. »

That's the way the money goes..

You entered Henry's workshop with the two boys and passed a hand through your hair. Oh boy.. here we go again.

« - So just to be sure.. are you guys..?

Jeremy interrupted you, glaring at the ground,

- Dead? Yeah, the fucking bunny killed us. Afton.

You nodded and sighed stressfully,

- Yeah.. i know how it feels. Why did you guys go there though? Aren't you both a little too old to go here? Actually nevermind, are you guys okay?

Gabriel snapped and glared at you,

- Are we okay? Are we okay?! No we fucking aren't ! We DIED ! It still hurts! We remember everything ! I.. I couldn't move! i should have listened to Jeremy.. At least HE tried to fight him!

Jeremy tried to calm him down, putting a hand on his arm,

- Come on dude, it's okay...

Gabriel once again yelled, and began to tear up, body trembling with rage and sadness,

- No it's not ! We'll never have a normal life again! because of ME! It's all because of me...

The boy began to cry, hiding his face with his hands while his friend rubbed his back, you just stared in shock, you didn't realize that all the kids who died here.. they would not have the chance to grow normally.. or just grow up in general. You sat on Henry chair and put your head into your hands, elbows resting on the wooden table, unmoving. William had once again ruined someone life. Did he do the same with everyone else he had known? With his wife? You hoped not...

When you looked up once again, the two boys were gone, as if they just disappeared.

Shivers ran up your spine, William... What was he doing? Why was he doing all of this? He had all he wanted, a loving wife, wonderful children.. So why.. WHY?! Would he want to do something that could risk it all?! What kind of sociopath could do that? Only for bloodlust? .. and here you were.. beginning to trust him, like he wanted you to. For a little while he almost seemed... normal. And yet it was only because he killed these two boys. And to think you almost felt something for him... no you have to stop he is not normal. He killed Fritz. You have to stop.

You have to stop.

Pop ! Goes the weasel ...

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