|Memory 16|

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« Breaking news, another child disappearance,

Last night two boys of nine and twelve years old, named Gabriel Fisher and Jeremy Fitzgerald have been declared missing. Gabriel was said to have chestnut hair and brown eyes, he also has freckles and was wearing jeans and a black tank top. Jeremy's guardians have declared that the young boy is skinny and has dreadlocks, he also is African American, he was last seen wearing a blue hoodie, black jeans and green sneakers. The boys were last seen at their school in Rock Springs, Wyoming. If you spot them or find them please call the nearest police station.

And now for the weather-»

You turned off the TV, sighing, and put on your coat. You were going to the mall to find a gift for the twins, it was in five days after all, and the weather was getting colder and colder. Not that you didn't like the cold, in fact, it was quite comforting. The only thing you disliked right now was the fact that William was the one driving you to the mall. Well, at least you'd see Michael and Elizabeth, since he was taking them with him.Christmas was getting near ..you'll have to buy gift for that soon too.

Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a knock on the front door. You opened the door only to find Michael, you looked behind him to see William's car, William was inside of it. You hugged Michael and ruffled his hair, making him blush slightly, and making you laugh. After saying, well more like screaming goodbye to Henry, you rushed to the car and took a seat next to William, noticing an infant between Elizabeth and Michael.

"- Hello y/n.

Greeted William nonchalantly,

-Hello Afton, who's the baby?

William chuckled and glanced at you,

-My youngest son, Evan.

Oh dear, that's a lot of children for a sociopath like him,

-Oh i didn't know you had a third child?

-Yeah my wife used to take care of him."

'Used to'?

Your attention shifted to Elizabeth who was tugging on your shirt. And so a long awkward ride begun, full of William strangely nervous silence, Michael being a sweetheart, Elizabeth tugging on your shirt and playing with you.

When you were all finally arrived at the mall's parking William almost jumped out of his car, and took his daughter and son out of the car. He put Evan in a stroller and gave it to you.

« - Alright, so Michael you and Elizabeth can go have fun a the pizzeria while me and Y/n deal with the shopping alright?

He passed his hands through his black, messy hair and handed Michael 20$,

-Alright Dad!

Agreed Michael, taking Elizabeth's hand into his own.

- ... Oh, yes, and don't spend all the money on ice-cream this time.

Michael agreed running off with Elizabeth to the pizzeria,

- Bye you guys! See ya later!

Once they were out of sight you turn toward Afton and tilt your head lifting an eyebrow you asked,

-Hey.. Are you okay Afton..? You are remarkably calm today?

He stayed silent and stared right through you, his blue eyes fixated on an invisible point, he was suspicious ,

- What did you do?

He blinked and his eyes suddenly snapped their attentions towards you,

- I uh.. nothing.. I just have been.. working on a new project for the pizzeria lately...while taking care of Evan.. you know how it is. Anyway let's go now.

You looked at him suspiciously and almost argued with him, but you were interrupted by the baby cooing,

- Yeah, alright, Lets go i think the little guy wants to move to a warmer place..»

You began to move with the stroller, William following closely with his arms behind his back, and you both walked toward the Mall's entrance. When you entered the mall you felt colder than before, even more than when Fritz was around.

But now you had to find what to buy for the twins, you knew Henry was building a small animatronic for them and that Grace was probably going to buy them the newest toys. One thing was sure, they were going to Freddy Fazbear's for their birthday, it was their favorite place to play after all.

Mh... so what could you buy?

"-What are you thinking about?

Asked William, looking kind of bored right now,

-None of your business Will.

-You're right but unless you want us to stay silent the whole time you're shopping we better start some kind of discussion..right?

He was right, as much as you don't like William, your anxiety would kill you if you didn't talk at least a bit during this walk,

- I am wondering what gift i could get for Charlie and Sammy.

You stuttered, blushing a little at the fact that you actually gave in to William's idea,

- Oh well it shouldn't be too hard, these kids love you, they would like anything you gave them.

William stated, which surprised you since he wasn't honest usually, you both walked into a toy store,

-You really think so?

- Of course."

A tension suddenly appeared between the both of you, maybe you blushing at the compliment didn't help. Are you really blushing at something this sociopath said right now? Yup. Are you ashamed ? Totally.

After a while you found the perfect gifts for the twins, and it was now your turn to endure William's shopping, which was really just regular grocery shopping but with awkwardness surrounding both of you.

So you decided to start a discussion before your anxiety gave you a heart attack.

" - So uh...uhhhhhhhhhhhh-

Fuck what could be the topic? Uh William has a family... the baby? No. Wife? Yeah that's good.

- How's your wife? Good?

William glanced at you kind of suspicious and weirded out you could guess from the grimace on his face,

- She's good.

Well that wasn't the answer you were looking for,

- Isn't it hard to deal with so many children so young?

William sighed and chuckled, looked right into your eyes, and whispered in your ear,

- Are you so bored that you're starting small talks with your almost killer?

That made your face red and you immediately felt offended,

- No i just- i didn't want - urgh. You know what i give up."

That made him actually laugh which didn't help your already red face.

"-Still as amusing as always aren't you l/n?

You glared at him, you knew he was referencing the night he almost killed you,

- Funniest bitch i know."

You answered glaring at him harshly making him shut up, and look at you weirdly. It was a mix of amusement and something else you couldn't quite decipher, he chuckled and took the stroller from you, making Evan giggle.

«-I am finished with my groceries, let's return home shall we?

You nodded and walked a little faster

-yes, let's go. »

Do you really trust HIM?

No of course she doesn't.. she wouldn't betray us.. right y/n?

No of course not...

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