|Memory 25|

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You betrayed us, you betrayed him.

It was to save him. You had to do it.

« -Are you okay?

Afton asked, looking a little worried,

- I am. But are you sure playing god like this is right?

William sighed and gave you a cup of tea, earl grey to be more precise,

- I am not sure but i am capable of everything to save my children. Aren't you capable to do the same for Fritz ?

You sipped on your tea, unsure,

-Yeah, i guess i am. But I'm scared of the consequences.

William chuckled and put a hand on your shoulder,

-For now let's not worry about that. Just think about how happy Fritz will be to see you again.

You nodded, now determined,

-You're right for once. I should be happy about this discovery. And honestly ? If you bring my little brother back, i might just be able to tolerate you.

Afton faked hurt and put a hand on his heart,

-Aren't we supposed to be friends? Lovers? Soulmates?

You laughed as William blew a kiss towards you,

-Right. I am sooo in love right now.

You rolled your eyes and he smirked proudly,

-See? My charms always work !

You giggled and gave him a fake punch,

- I have to admit you do have a good sense of humor Afton.

You said honestly, staring at him with a small smirk,

- Oh i know, i know . »

Afton said looking in your eyes. You returned the look, watching once again the beautiful blue eyes that belonged to the weirdo in front of you. If he wasn't such a sociopath you might have fell in love with him. He was handsome to say the least. A chiseled thin face, a thin yet muscular body, wide shoulders, and he didn't lie when he said he had a nice bottom. The man probably worked out. Both of you neared each other's face. Lost into each other's face. Afton softly put his hand on your face and caressed your cheek.

You were lost into his eyes, in this moment nothing mattered. You just were enjoying each other's presence. You were both touch-starved. You weren't exactly what you could call in love, just two persons desperate for some kind of affection.

Without thinking you put your scarred hand in William's hair, playing with some strands. You just were two lonely beings. Left alone by this cruel world.

« -Y/n, you really are beautif-»

« -Shut up Afton. »

Your lips connected. Afton put his arms around you and you entangled your fingers into his hair. You didn't really think before acting, you just wanted feel some kind of affection. Your soft lips danced with his rough ones. Both of you just forgot everything. It was only each other that mattered. Everything this man did to you seemed so far away right now, the moment his hand was on your cheek everything was left behind.

You separated yourself from William, panting a little. He sure was a good kisser. You heard William chuckle a little, which made you blush, you looked up to see him wipe his lips clean from any saliva left.

« -Well that was surprising.

You nodded and stuttered,

- Yeah. Pretty sure i'm gonna regret that soon. You know. Once the dopamine has disappeared .

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