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It was raining again. Why does this time of year always has to be so depressing?

I stepped from one foot on the other, watching the rain drops dripping through the leaves of the great tree onto my face.


There she was, standing in front of me, her dreadlocks shimmering with water. She looked so sad. All the pain and disappointment was coming back to me and I had to fight the feeling of just running away.

'Listen I...'

'I saw you yesterday!' I interrupted her quickly, before I lost my composure. My voice was cold and hard.

'Yeste... what? What do you mean?'

'Oh come on you know exactly what I mean! You, kissing that boy...'

'WHAT? I never kissed a boy in my whole life. Kira, what are you talking about?'

And there it went...

'Oh now you're lying at me?! I can't believe it! I was so wrong about you! Can you tell me why I deserve this? Just why???', I yelled at her. I was completely freaking out now. She just looked at me like she didn't understand a word of what I was saying. It was driving me crazy.

'Cosima? Oh great do you think you can fool me with...'

I suddenly stopped, my jaw dropping. I couldn't believe my eyes. This can't be...

Still looking confused, Cosima turned around, following my look.

'Oh my god!'

She stepped backwards, nearly falling over a root.

'What the...'

My voice was trembling.

'Do you have a twin?!'

'No, not as far as I know...'

'But how do you explain this then??'

She just stared forward. There was that girl again over there, dressed all black, with long dark hair. And her face looked exactly like my friends'. Exactly.

'Oh my god, then it was her that I saw yesterday. But... she also has your voice! She sounds exactly like you!'

Suddenly there was panic in my voice. My whole world was, once more, upside down.

'This is a joke!', Cosima mumbled, slowly getting her composure back.

'It can't be real!'

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