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"--And if you broke something they'd beat you.... But well they preferred too.... Euhr.... Have their way with us."

After I came back home I went to find my sis, at least she should know about what happened first, I just needed to go and despite being almost strangers she was my twin so there was an instant bond between us.

"Those monsters."

"Hey hey stop." I put my hands on her shoulders to keep her from standing up, feeling like she'd go off on a rampage. "You have a meeting to attend so try to calm down."

"You just told me about what the fuck that rogue pack does, how they raped you, how they killed the only other Blackblood other than us, how they treat other slaves and want me to calm?"

"Yes please... For me?"

"This isn't over."

"I know it isn't..."

"Well, while I'll be gone with Sky, I'll have to be sure the patrols do their job." She said as she shrugged my hands off and stood up, I followed her.

"Who will look after the pack tho?"

"You." I stilled, looking at her back until she faced me.



"I heard you the first time but why? I'm not fit."

"We'll never know if you don't try plus you are my twin, if someone was to think like I do, it would be you."

"But--" "No buts Ash you will do this, Nat will help out, Roxy, Helix or even Jenny if you ask I just know you won't do anything stupid if I leave my pack in your hand... Please do that for me."

".... You won't go off trying to find the rogues in that case."

"Fine... Deal?"


It was a nightmare. All the paperwork, felt ashamed I couldn't do the job I was trusted with and started crying and shaking but instead of a beating as result of my failure I got reassured all was fine and got help.

I was terrified of making mistakes, so so so terrified...

Franky and Chloe had been running around when knocking over a table and I fucking dove after the picture frames on it ending up with bruised ribs and a shattered frame that I couldn't catch... I was so scared of the consequences that I ended up throwing up the little I ate in absolute fear, screaming at Jenny to stay away from me when she wanted to touch me.

The rogues broke me. I can't be normal, I see a few pack and clan members looks on their faces, they are questioning Asher's choices of asking me to take over for her, when alone I always end up in tears, I just can't help it I'm sorry.

Today was a bit better then before, I even got a bit annoyed which means a lot because until now my main emotions were fear and shame.

I rubbed my forehead and sighed, why did I take over the pack for Asher again? Just why?

I had no idea of what to do most of the time as I said so I mostly let the boy named Helix and Roxy do the stuff as they were the betas after the previous one quit and I didn't want to have another breakdown to happen and to get more of those looks... I hated them.

Right now everyone, well mostly the teens, were watching a movie, I guess everyone at least heard of the hunger games? We were binge watching the whole thing because I hadn't watched it ever, I was fine with violence there but only because I kept repeating to myself that it was actors and it wasn't real... I said nothing of this to the other and now we where at the first part of the third movie.

I guess most saw it as they sang the hanging tree along to the movie for shits and giggles.

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
They strung up a man
They say who murdered three
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where dead man called out
For his love to flee
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

Are you, are you
Coming to the tree
Where I told you to run
So we'd both be free
Strange things did happen here
No stranger would it be
If we met at midnight
In the hanging tree

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