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I was laying on something soft when my senses came back, confusion followed by dread as I jump, awake and whip my head around, I'm in a place that I don't know.

Was I caught again?! I didn't want to be caught! I don't want to die!

I shook gently in fear. I am sure I would die if I was caught again.

"Euh..... Hello?" I looked over at the door to see a blond haired girl with green eyes staring at me. I've never seen her so I wasn't caught? Maybe I did escape like I've tried so many times? Was I free?

"Hi?" I say, I was slightly on edge despite her not seeming like dangerously.

"You were found on the edge of our territory." She said and I nodded, I guess I didn't drawn and was brought here by the river.... What will become of me now?

"Which pack is this?" I asked, not knowing any of the smell around that could help me somewhat guess what part of the world the river washed me up on.

"Well... It's the blood moon clan AND the grey claw pack." She said.

"But isn't the blood moon a vampire clan?" I asked, having heard a few with the rogues, they thought not to be secretive around us.

"Yes it is but our alpha has been raised by the vampires so both clan and pack are together now."

"Wow they sound cool."

"Yeah and you know them"

"What?" I tilted my head to the side in confusion. I know them? Please let it not be a rogue of that pack please.

"All I will say is that they are a Blackblood." My mouth hung open as she left the room.....A BLACKBLOOD?!?! But I'm the last Blackblood member there is!!! Right? Ashy died... Leaving me alone... Who... Who was left?

"You seem really lost in thoughts." I heard as someone snapped their fingers in front of my face... Wait... That voice is like mine... That hair color...

The second I looked up I was hugging the person, not wanting to let go in case I was dreaming.

"Oh my god tell me I'm not dreaming! Pinch me! Pinch me!" I said, "Hey!" I let her go when she really pinched me.

"Well that's what I thought to at first but it seams both of us are very alive." My blue haired long thought dead sister said.

"B-but you died that day!" I said but from what I know we just lost the trace of each other on that night.

"Mom made me run with you remembered? I lost you and got lost too, but a vampire friend of hers found me... Now that that's clear... YOU died that day."

"I was took as a slave by the rogues that attacked us."

Well I'll be damned, I thought everyone and Asher was dead all long, we may be twins but we looked different after all these years, it's not a question but her hair was already making us different but she looked a lot buffer then me, my hair reached my lower back by now while hers was shoulder length.

"Well we don't even look like sisters we are so different." She said.

"I second you on that."

I think I talked Asher's ears off, we... Mostly I, talked for hours, I had found out that the blond with green eyes was named Sky and was her mate, honesty I don't care who she's in love with I'm just happy for her.

".... And that's why I'm a literal chick magnet." I laughed when she finished explaining. "You have a mate Ashley?" She asked but I shook my head.

"Nah but I really don't care who it could be." I said, not really mentioning what has happened to me just yet and whom I lost to get here.

"If you say so, you should rest, I'll show you the pack and the clan later okay?" She said and I nodded, yawning.

I stared at the ceiling, unable to understand why my luck changed from bad to good suddenly... But I was happy with what happened... I escaped for them... I may find a mate now... Hopefully...

I woke up later, and my sister had dragged me down to the living room to meet everyone, the Carl and Ella people that were considered her grandparents scared me to be honest, they seemed strict and all the vampires fast jerky movements I wasn't used too I was always flinching, awaiting a hit.

Jenny and her four kids were nice, but Franky is a bit too hyper for me... And I haven't yet met the fourth, I got the most along with Roxy, Asher and Sky, there were chill.

Looking around I didn't see my sister, feeling just a bit overwhelmed with everyone, not used to friendliness and want to be with someone that, despite not seeing for most of my life and barely remembering her, was the closest to me from everyone here.

I heard steps from the stairs I pulled back too and looked up.

I think my heart stopped beating when I met light blue teary eyes and looked away before anyone saw my face.

Normally I dread when I break something or fuck up but here I dreaded the words that she was Jenny's daughter, sis is her adoptive daughter so I just zapped onto her sis which makes me mated to her... My... Our sis?

I shook my head and quickly left the house, needing air.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck... OH SHIT! Good goddess! I'm done for! Dammit!

I was cursing myself right after hastily left the room and was still cursing, saying I would go out in the forest for a walk for Sky who had spotted me leaving and too keep her from worrying if I had said nothing and just ignored her, I didn't want to be followed.

I stopped near a small river and sighed heavily, closing my eyes as I listened to the water.

"Why did you leave?" I jumped and whipped around to meet Asher's worried eyes, her arms crossed in front of her chest and tapping her foot, I looked away, dammit I should have known she'd follow but how.

"How did you follow me?" I answered her with a question of my own, making her sigh and drop her arms to her sides and stopped tapping her foot.

"You weren't too discreet, and I was worried... Why did you leave?" She asked again.

"I should have been more discreet then oh wel--" "Ashley! Answer my question!"

"Look... Your vampire sister is my mate!" I snapped, I didn't want it to be true but Crystal, my silent wolf, had made herself known, more interested with the outside world than before "I feel bad for it too because we should be considered sisters right now and that would make in incest!"

"Ashley... Jenny is not my mother and yours even less as she didn't even raise you, if I had gotten Nathan as a mate it wouldn't incest as we are not blood siblings and I'm not from her family but an outsider."

"But it feels wrong! And right now it's even worst!" I yelled, not expecting getting a mate so soon after all I went through.

"Mates are mates Ashley! You can't choose who their are! The moon goddess gave you your mate for a reason. You need to accept that! Yes, this may not be the best time but you could help her." I refused to listen to her and turned around."You will understand what I mean sooner or later Ashley... You'll be starting school in my classes in two days so be prepared... until then, think about it for a while."She said coldly, but I could tell she still cared and walked away, leaving me with my thoughts alone.

I looked at the water flowing in silence for quite a while.

Asher might be right... But I can't accept it... Not right now...

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