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Ashley's pov:

"Come on we gotta try!"

"I don't know Ashy.... How many times have we tried already? We will never escape."

"Shut up there before someone comes in!" Someone whispers yelled at Ashy and me.

All of us slaves came from different packs that were conquered and they were the survivors, most like us growing up in this place of nightmares.

There were a few places were stuffed in for the night like the basement of this house, we were 13 and cramped so Ashy and I were whispering.

"Ashley please I am sure we can do it this time, it will work."

"Ashy stop entertaining stupid beliefs."

"We won't be alone when we get out."

"No one else survived Ashy, not your mother, not my sister, no one, we are the last two Blackblood's left on earth, vampires would kill us, other werewolves would hunt us, humans would persecute us and I can go on about what witches, centaurs and all that crap would do."

"It is almost like you've accepted your fate..."

"Because I have... I know can't escape and just hope whatever they throw at us won't last long and that we can remain alive as long as we can."

"If you don't come with me, I will do it alone." I grabbed her arm to keep her from moving.

"Ashy please... Just let me think it over to be sure it is a good plan." I agreed with a sigh, not wanting to go on without her, she was the only one I have left. "Please Ashy.... You can't leave me... Please."

"Fine but don't take forever." She sighed giving in as she hugged me, head against her chest as I hugged her too and we laid down. She wasn't my sister, but I cared for her like one, she was my last known pack member.

Tears were steaming down my face as she passed her hand through my hair while I closed my eyes to fall asleep... I miss everyone so much even if I don't clearly remember that night...

"Get up trash, time to go!!" Someone yelled down while opening the trapdoor that lead out of the basement.

We all got up and got together with the around 40 other slaves quickly to decide who did what to be sure everything was done so wouldn't get a collective punishment, I got the task of cleaning out the main pack house with four others.

I was sweeping the round on the upper floor when my mind wondered to all we had tried with Ashy when I was willing to go along with her plans..... First of all learning to read to understand maps.

"Ashy what is this?" I asked looking at the symbols I've seen everywhere.

"Words... Well... Letters and this is what they call the alphabet, I stole it from a kid."

"Are you insane?!"

"Don't worry I was careful."

"Why is this important anyway?"

"If we know how to use the letters and stuff that thing over there can help us run." She said pointing at the drawing with words on it. "I heard the adults call it a map, and it shows real places so if we can tell the places and see those words we know we there."


She also stole math books, dictionaries and all stuff, unlike the rest of the slave we gave ourselves as much education as we could, even if sometimes just once or twice a month to be sure we weren't caught, all in the hope of escape.

We then learned why that shouldn't be done lightly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" I screamed as Ashy's over screams of my name were drowned out, ears ringing.

I looked up at the man holding piece of my right ear.

"This is just a warning trash.... My head hurts and I am tired so don't make me do worst."

And that was nothing... N O T H I N G..... A pack doc that is tasked to help the slaves so they can get back to work as fast as possible so my ear was whole again but with an ugly scar and no feeling in that re-attached piece. Same happened to Ashy but she had... Well... lost the piece and now one of her ears was forever missing a piece.

With our escape attempts punishment got worst and curse the doctor to be good at his job or I'd have died long ago but unfortunately I was stuck to live this nightmare, I had ended up with a fractured skull or guts hanging out more times then one.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I felt the broom hit something and looked back in horror, diving onto the little stand on the edge of the hallways where the stairs started to try to catch the blue and white vase along with the rest of the things on it.

I fell on my side painfully, but I had the picture frames and table clock against my chest and vase in hand but I sighed in relief to quick, when I tried to get up I flexed my hand and since it was a round vase it like popped out of my hand and fell down the carpeted stairs.

I let the rest fall to the ground as they wouldn't break at such high and dove for the stair, flinching each time it felt but survived.

The breath was knocked out of me as I fell ribs first on the stairs with my hand thrust into the vases opening accidentally as I tried to catch it but ended up with all my fingers but my thumb inside.

Eyes filled with fear as my arm shakes, the vase a hair away from the ground.

I lifted my hand and the vase broke into, the carpeted stairs getting the best of it and the bottom shatter against the ground.

I watch in absolute horror as I started to hyper ventilate, only focused on what I broke.

I started to gasp for air when I heard a door slam open in the deadly quiet house and softly sob.

"No, no, no, no." I said in a chocked up sobby whisper as I saw my life flash through my head. "No." I whined silently as angry steps were getting closer.

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