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I growled at the man that caused all of my pain, for once in my life, fear left me alone on its own, freeing me from its clutches without me needing to fight for it.

And it was replaced by something else.

Unending anger.

"And I thought you were more intelligent, skipping country now that you were free but seems you are still as much of an idiot as all the Blackblood's are." His own wolves creating a small circle around us, keeping anyone from joining my side.

I was pissed.

"And when Alphonse showed up with the news another Blackblood caused him to lose so much hour after you fled I thought it was destiny to meet again, instead of one I'll have two again." Over my dead body!!

I lunched out, latching my fangs deep into his forearm, making him yell out in anger, shaking his arm as it was a tug of war of who would take it with it.

I unfortunately lost, a knee in the ribs does that to you.

I let go and backed away, the awful taste of blood in the back of my throat but I don't care, worth it!!

"You piece of shit!!" Yeah bitch, I grew a pair of balls just for you!!

I tried to bite through his tibia, but a heavy body slammed me down, jaws locking over my spine and throwing me away.

I pushed myself on my paws with a growl. This is not good, I am bleeding a lot.

But he is still underestimating me, he is not attacking like he should, I need to play with that and this fight will be a fast one.

I lifted a paw off the ground slightly as I circled the other bigger wolf, forcing a limp in my walk despite still full of strength and almost hissing in anger.

Yes drop your guard even more.

But I didn't attack fully, just swiping at him, making them weak and slow.

I soon heard a howl and all seemed to stop... All but me.

I lunged forth as people howled the victory, digging my teeth around the soft jugular as those in human skin or the few human fighter imitated wolf howls.

No one came to help this man despite him trashing and clawing up my side in effort to free himself as I chewed up his throat.

After a few painful moments, I ripped a piece of his throat out, throwing the flesh and cartilage away, for once me being the one that look down upon him.

Growling down at the dying wolf, you have no hold on me.

And such a huge relief came over me when I saw his eyes dull that I staggered... Wait no.

I looked to the side and wagged my tail.

"Told you all would be good." I wagged my tail, Carla hugging my side, yes you were right it seems... I am finally, truly, free.

3rd person pov:

Since the battle stuff had changed... A lot.

The rogues were now under Asher's orders and there was a sort of mini village built in the forest because the pack was getting so big with all the wolves and non-wolves in it, houses close but still not too close to each other throughout the whole forest were built.

A lot of people had died in the war, and a special graveyard was made for them, each and every one of them having their own graves to rest in peace in, not differentiation of rogue and normal wolf, everyone had the right for a proper burial so their loved ones could visit them.

The queen had died in the battle, and the crown was given to the successor she chose, Asher. She first denied it but took it as it was the previous queen's last wish, believing Asher could keep peace up and that made her the best choice since the queen had no child of her own to take the crown.

She didn't go to the castle so when everyone moved out, it stayed as a sort of memorial up in the mountains.

Despite how rocky it all was Ashley had come to accept that the rogues were now part of the pack but on her side she spent more time with the former slaves since she had grown up with them.

Ashley's pov:





"Asher stop pacing," Nat finally told Asher making her darkly glare at him... lucky I said nothing I guess damn.

"You're talking?! I'll tell you the same when your wife is having her child and you can't go in with her!" She barked at him and he raised his arm in defeat, she is right I suppose.

He and Roxy were awaiting twins after all, I think Asher will be quite happy to annoy him when he will be the one to worry so much.

"Sorry I'm stressed out," She said.

"I WILL MURDER YOU ASHER!!!!" I cringed at what Sky promised my sister, you better never try for a second kid because I believe her. I cringed yet this was amusing.

"Don't believe her Ash, that's just the pain talking," I said, holding myself back as laughter was ready to spill out.

"You at least won't have to worry as you can't have kids with Carla!"

"You know there are ways."

"Don't even start on this debate."

"I'll shut up." I chuckled softly to myself as Asher went back to wearing a circle in the ground with her back and forths.

I had left her with the others after a while, heading to my room.


"Still nothing." I told Carla who had probably been waiting for me for a long while. "But don't expect more then one niece, wouldn't end well for my sister."

She laughed as I joined her in lounging on my bed.

"Alright I guess." She nodded.

I smiled brightly.

All is good.

I am happy.

I am free.

Life is worth living.

Finally, this spin-off of Vampire raised wolf is done, sorry I forgot about it ._. But whatever it is done now lol so here you go c: hope you like it.

-Chris Wolfblood

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