Jimin ~ Stomach Flu

Start from the beginning

Methods to how to make coffee, preferences of how one likes their toilet paper, to even adopting other member's vernaculars.

It takes about 27 days to make or break a habit.

It took 27 hours for Jimin to start feeling like shit.

Yes, he counted. All the way down to the fucking millisecond.

He caught on to feeling bad once they were on their way to the photoshoot. Jimin recalls waking up at three in the morning, stomach enunciating the needs to a bathroom pronto.

It was a pathetic sight, him discernibly trembling as he doubled over, wobbling to the shared bathroom.

He just stayed there, on the toilet, crying in his hands as his bowels wreaked havoc in the porcelain. His insides pouring out of him like burning lava. He wanted to rip his eyes out from the pain, cramps wringing his intestines until nothing was left.

Nothing was comfortable, there wasn't any angle Jimin could put himself in to alleviate the cramps. He just silently sobs, hoping someone needed to piss to come and save him.

Five am came, and there was a knock on the door. Jimin jolted awake, cleaning himself as he flushed the toilet.

"Is everything alright?" Hoseok asked, knocking again before Jimin opened the door

He didn't trust himself to speak, nodding weakly while giving a tight smile before pushing past him. He could feel Hoseok silently appraising him but Jimin just wanted to crawl in a hole and die.

Now they're piled into two separate vans towards their photoshoot.

Jimin was exhausted, not getting a wink of sleep since almost being caught snoring on the toilet. He spent the rest of the time rolling in his bed, contorting into as many positions as his body allowed him to in order to stomach the cramps pinching his abdomen.

He shifted uncomfortably, stomach too busy rolling and his butt was getting too uncomfortable to sit upright anymore. Hoseok's bony thighs was making his neck stiff, so he resorted back to sitting upright and hoping to fall asleep. Of course, his body was too noisy and busy making his life feel like a living hell.

So, he lies down onto Jungkook's lap, internally smiling as he felt three seconds of relief before a jolt nearly lunged Jimin into the cracks between the front and back seats.

Jungkook embraced the sudden warmth, gripping Jimin protectively onto his laps as he lolls back to sleep. Jimin too, starting to feel sleep overtake him, eyes slowly getting heavier with the gentle touches of Jungkook's fingers grazing against his back before gliding his fingers in Jimin's hair.


After a false alarm and a much-needed restroom break, they were reunited with the trio who has been waiting for them for almost an hour.

"What took you guys so long?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah, I was starting to get concerned." Taehyung whined, welcoming Jimin into his lap as he spotted the younger still in the van.

"I think Jimin isn't feeling well." Jin frowned, glancing over at Jimin who looks like he was already asleep on Taehyung. Taehyung didn't mind, scrolling his phone while Jimin was resting his head on his shoulder. Jin internally coos, seeing how small Jimin looked on Taehyung's lap.

"Traffic was getting so bad, and the sudden jolts and stops were making Jimin too queasy. He started dry heaving and we all got scared he would blow his cookies right there in the van. We had to pull over."

"We also had to take a bathroom break at the rest stop." Jungkook shivers, recounting how gross and inhumane the rest stop bathroom was. Jimin didn't care, he had to set his dignity aside and had to relieve himself while hovering over the toilet. Hoseok gags at the memory.

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