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"I wonder how many people don't get the one they want, but end up with the one they're supposed to be with."
~Fannie Flagg

Grace got to school early, like a good girl should, to meet up with her friends Kimberly, Ken and Riley.

She was the new girl in school, but what made her extreemly loveable was the pride she held in her melanin self.

Coated with skin of melanin, she ran through the hallway, her air jordans carrying her through the close to empty hallway to her destination- the school's football field.

"She's always late." Riley commented with her arms folded as her slender eyes narrowed at the girl with hair that most say defied gravity itself.

"That is the mystery of grace: it never comes too late." Grace qouted Franois Mauriac, her chest rising and falling steadily as she tried to catch her breath.

Grace did have a late coming problem, but her friends didn't mind it as much as the teachers did, that's why they decided to come really early to school.

She joined her friends on the bleachers, dusting her seat so she wouldn't get her bright blue ripped skinny jeans dirty.

"So what were we talking about?" She turned to her group of friends, a sweet grin on her face.

"Well, Barbie here, would rather a day at the beach than a week in Paris." Kim answered her friend, referring to Ken as 'Barbie'.

"I would rather an eternity in bed than a second in school." Grace voiced her thoughts as she day dreamt about the dreams she could dream in her dreamy bed.

"You poor bed-ridden teen." Riley feigned a pitied look, holding her hand over her chest.

Kimberly sniggered at Riely's snarky comment, but Ken didn't.

"Sounds like paradise Gigi." Ken took Grace's side, making the dark haired beauty grin happily.

The small group spent their free time talking about absolutely nothing at all, a whole hour before the bell rang to indicate the start of school.

They all shared the same homeroom, so they walked together still talking about nothing in particular.

They took their seats just as the teacher walked in, her bag on her arm and her brown hair up in a neat bun.

She was still young and new to the whole teaching career, but her homeroom class made it easy for her to do her job.

She was glad that she had them for home room, that meant her mornings always started off on a good note.

"Morning everyone, it's nice to see that you're all here." Her eyes quickly scanned over her pupils, finding no seat unoccupied.

The students acknowledged their teacher's presence and listened to what she had to say, all the announcements done for the day.

"I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day." Said the brunette teacher just as the bell rang signalling the start of the first lesson.

Everyone was out and headed straight for their first class of the day, most people bubbling with energy while others were still groggy from waking up.

Grace made her way to her English class, a class she wasn't awfully fond of and that wasn't just because none of her friends shared this class with her.

She didn't like literature, not one bit.

In her previous school they could choose whether they would like to do language only or literature as well, but in this school- it wasn't a choice.

Rosa Nera: Saving Grace (BWWM) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now