Jai Brooks imagine

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Inspired by psychotic:) hope you enjoy


It wasn't the best of days I’ve had. The rain was pouring down making the institution even creepier than it already was. My head hurt from all the numerous screams coming from behind each doors. Except one. Room 11, which belonged to Jai Brooks. The rumors about him in this place were all everyone could talk about. He was known best as ' The Bone Collector '. He was crazy.. He was creepy, and most of all he was psychotic. Everyone in this institution was scared of him- even the workers. I expected more from him. I thought he would try to run away or yell ridiculous things to people but no. I remember when he first got here- 2 years ago; he just strolled right through the entrance without a word. Since the day that Jai got here, I’ve gotten closer and gotten to known him more than anyone else in this institution, I've developed strong unknown feelings towards him, I've never believed that he killed the 4 girls, I always thought he was innocent. 

"Kate! You're needed in Jai's room now." Laura, one of the co-workers, said with a serious look on her face. I frantically followed her footsteps leading to room 11 where 2 doctors stood beside what looks like a sleeping Jai.

"W-What happened?" I asked astonished.

"Are you Jai's nurse Miss?" The older looking doctor asked while pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yes I am. Can you answer my question and tell me what happened to him?"

"It looks like he has not been taking his pills, by this." I was handed a teddy with a hole where all Jai’s pills were hidden. Why hasn't he been taking his pills? I grabbed my phone, dialing the number of the hospital, my thought's getting the best of me, because Jai is laying unconscious, I’ve realized I do have somewhat feelings for him, that he has to be okay and I will make sure he is.

"What are you doing miss!?" I believe, Rick, according to his name tag questioned. 

 "I have to take him to the hospital? I have nothing that can help him here." 

       Silence was all I could hear; I sat in the empty narrow hallway of the hospital waiting- hoping that Jai is okay. My mind was going crazy. I've never been in one if these positions before, this is all new and it is hard for me to take in. I stood up and started pacing back and forth beginning to get inpatient. 

"Miss Black?" Anxiously turning around I walked towards the nurse, eager for information. "Jai will be ok. He didn't have a lot of fluids in him so he fainted, but other than that you will be able to go in and see him." Mumbling a thank you I watched as she strode off before disappearing. I stepped into the room and seen a pale, vulnerable looking Jason laying down on the bed staring blankly at the ceiling.

"Hey." My voice called softly. Jai's head didn't move, nor did his body. He lay still, like a statue. "Are you okay?" Still no answer. Deciding I should probably leave as it looks like he doesn't want company, I turned back around. 

"I didn't do it." Jai's deep voice spoke. Turning around, Jai's eyes laid directly on mines. "I’m innocent… It wasn't me!" 

"Jai what wasn't you?" My voice curious. I walked towards him, each step getting more alarmed. 

"I- I was set up. I didn't kill those 4 girls. Please help me out of here." I looked at him with remorse, before helping him off the hospital bed, carefully taking out the needles that were secured on both his hands. 

My body went flying back as my back was slammed against the wall. Jai's face was dangerously close to mine as his eyes going black. I tried to shove him off me but with each shove I did the more force he put on me. 

"What do you want?" I spat as I looked at him with abomination. 

"To kill you. I like killing people and god I haven't done it in ages. And you..." His fingers traced down my arm. “...Are going to my first in 2 years." Jai smirked as he dragged me out the room. 

"Help! Someone please." I shouted hoping that anyone would hear me but it was total peaceful, it was deserted. A stroke of lightening hut of the ground outside making the floor shakes. "Please Jai; i-i will help you escape." My voice hitched making it sound unbelievable. His grip tightened around my shoulders making me wince in pain. Another stroke of lightning struck, but this time making the lights all go out. It was dark, but enough for me to see where I was going. I kicked Jai on his shin and quickly ran away from him. 

I approached a small room with cleaning equipment. My eyes darted on a small shovel, snatching it I carefully exited the closet, my heart racing by the minute. Jai's influence on me the first few days I met him, made me believe that he was innocent and I guess his plan was an accomplishment. 

"Kate! You're making you're death more painful by the minute darling." Jai's voice echoed through the hallway, His pitch of voice downhearted. I took a deep breath and followed his voice. Jai was speeding through the halls, slamming every door open. He's an animal. Holding the shovel up against my head, I made sure my grip was strong and powerful.

"Jai..." My voice full of horror. He turned round, his face showed no emotion, ready to grab me, I slammed the shovel of the side of his head repeatedly, enough to make him fall to the ground and groan in pain. Eager to keep hitting him, blood was splashing everywhere, on the walls, the floor, my clothes and my face but that didn't stop me. Each hit got harder and more forceful and I stopped as soon as his face was covered in his own blood. Dropping the shovel drowsily, I walked away, my body numb and paralyzed with fear. Not caring of the scene behind me or the blood on me, visions of his eyes seeking for me to stop, made my thoughts go insane. Jai deserved to die; he was preposterous, thoughtless and psychotic.

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