The Troublemaker { Luke Brooks } part 15

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As i looked around the room i was wiggling my hands to try and get the rope to loosen. Of course that didnt work. I noticed a window, a small window at the very corner of the room with a bit of wood over it, Hm well i guess ill have to get out of this chair and try and get the wood off the window and boom im free.

" Well i guess its time for the fun to start then" Chris walked in smirking. He disgusts me. Untieing my hands and legs he forcefully grabbed me and pulled me to the bed that was against the wall and i guess you know where this is going. But do you think im going to throw my skills down the toilet pan? Just when Chris was tieing my hand to the bed frame, i brought my knee up and kneed him where the sun dont shine which caused him to fall down in pain. Freeing my hands i hurriedly ran over to the window trying to get the wood off but failed. 

" Bitch. Why would you do that? Only someone stupid would" Ha well you dont know me. Walking over i grabbed the chair and smashed it over his head repeadidly untill he was unconscious, took the gun which was in his belt and took off out the room carefully incase there was anyone about.

I ran out the house, the fresh air hitting off me as i continued to run, far from there. Running for about 30 minutes i stopped and mentally thanked god that i was only round the corner from Lukes house, I then ran until i was safe. I throw the gun away somewhere making sure no one will see it nor use it and entered the house, breathing out a huge breathe i was holding in since i exited that house.

"Oh my god there you are! Where were you? We were so worried!" Paul walked over giving me a hug that i couldn't breathe in. I smiled as Paul was being so protective over me but i was fine. Perfectly fine.

" Well... erm. Chris kind of... kidnapped me?" I said while looking around nervously not wanting to see his reaction.

" What? Why? What did he do to you? How did you escape?-" 

" I was out for a walk and he took me and i dont know why probably because of the whole attack thing and he did nothing to me im fine and i used my amazing skills to escape." I said that last part proudly while smirking. 

" Okay well whatever you do, do not and i mean do not tell Luke what happened. Only god knows what he'll do "

" Dont tell me what?" A familiar voice called out. I turned around and became face to face with Luke. Hes back. Lukes back thats all i need. But hopefully he didn't hear what happened to me.

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