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"Mommy, where are we going?", I watch ness talk through the rear view mirror before looking back at the road. Traffic was horrible downtown at this hour, and Cole's apartment just happens to be downtown.

"We are going to a friend of mommies, Ness. I have somebody I want you to meet!", i explain softly as traffic begins to move, making me slowly become nervous again. We were no further than 10 minutes away.

Colby took it way better than i expected, which has me more than surprised. Anesme finally gets to meet her other parent. I'm worried about the fact that she's never really been around guys, so I don't know how she react.

will she be quiet? is she gonna talk alot? will she like him? will he talk alot? will he like her? is it gonna be awkward? or will he come to his senses and realize that he can't handle this, and wants us to go home?

"We are here, Ness. Let's have a talk real quick, is that okay?", I give her a sweet smile as I turn towards the back seat, hoping she would be up to listen. Ness cups her left ear, giving me a thumbs up, signalling that she's ready to listen.

"Remember that this is somebody's apartment, so there are other people who live around them, okay? We have to be polite, and respect others.", her eyes widen as she pressed her thumb and pointer finger together, moving them across her lips and tossing an imaginary key away.

thank you Mom, for teaching her how to zip her lips.

I unbuckle her booster seat, helping the clumsy girl out of the backseat. I remind her to stay against the car as I grab the diaper bag and sippy cup from her cup holder, locking the doors soon after. I swoop the tiny girl off her feet, smiling as she wraps her tiny arms around my neck. She pressed a quick kiss to my forehead, giggling soon after.

Colby had already sent me the number to get in the apartment building, along with his floor and apartment number. I punch in the four said numbers, wasting no entering the building and getting in an elevator.

"I wanna do it, pweaseeee!", Ness reaches for the elevator keys. I set her on her feet and point to the floor number, 4 , watching her mimic my motions. We begin moving shortly after causing her eyes to widen and clap her hands. The littlest things always seemed to blow her mind, and my heart softened more and more each time because of the reactions she gave.

My hands begin sweating right as the elevator doors opening, remembering that we have to go left. I had been pushing my anxiety back the whole car ride here, and now it's weighing my shoulders down heavy. I don't know why I'm so scared. anesme isn't just my little secret anymore. I'm not gonna get to see her everyday, because Colby will more than likely have her when he's home and not filming.

I take a deep breath, letting the anxiety fade for a moment, as I picked her up and stopped in front of a dark grey door. This was it, I actually have to sit down and introduce my daughter to her father. I really thought I was gonna be a pussy and keep her a secret her whole life, how could I have been so stupid.

I had already sent him a text saying that we were on our way up. I adjust the diaper bag strap on my shoulder, before letting Anesme knock her small fist softly on the door.

The door swung open, revealing a wet haired Cole. He had changed into a plain black tee along with some beige joggers. His hair was begining to curl in its natural state, causing my stomach to tighten. they look so much alike, its unbelievable.

Colby stared at Anesme blankly, with a tight grip on the door handle. Ness's cheeks redden under his stare and she hides her head in the crook of my neck, she's shy. I play with her curls as Colby steps aside, allowing me to finally walk in.

I was impressed by his apartment to say the least. It was very organized and clean, giving off a cozy vibe. A gray couch sat in the furthest corner of his living room, facing a fireplace and large flat screen tv. A metal spiral staircase lead somewhere upstairs to what i would assume to be a loft or balcony type area.

Anesme hasn't said a word yet, she was to busy being shy and looking around the new scenery. She lets out a whine as she fixates her eyes on a small stuffed animal at the end of the couch.

"Nessa, I have somebody for you to meet. I bet if you are nice, he will let you play with the stuffed animal!", I over excitedly exclaim in my mom voice. I give Colby a small smile, tilting my head back so that he would come over to us. He hadn't moved from his spot in the kitchen, trying to process everything going on.

Colby sits beside us making Anesme quickly turn in my lap, so that she's facing him. Her eyes move up and down, side to side, as we all sit in silence. She was trying to remember if she had seen him before, a small frustrated sigh leaves her lips when she figures out she hadn't. Colby's eyes were glossy as he watched her every movement, oblivious to her actions previous.

I clear my throat before brushing some curls from Anesme's forehead, "Anesme, this is Colby. Colby, this is Anesme."

Anesme climbs off my laugh and sits on her knees between the two of us, and continues to stare at Colby in silence. He gives me a soft smile as she sticks her hand out so that he can shake her hand. She has been shaking hands with everyone recently, something she probably learned from a cartoon.

Colby takes the small chubby hand, shaking it softly as she giggled, "what's your name again?"


Anesme looks at me and gives a small snicker as he says his name, "Coby? like the cheese nana and I eat?", I can't help but laugh when she forgets the L in his name.

Colby and I laugh, earning a confused look from Anesme. She taps a finger on her chin, looking up as she "was thinking". She lets out a small gasp,  pointing a finger at Colby, "we have same colored eyes coby!"

Ness moves her head closer to him, pulling her lower lid down so that he could see, "Look. Blue! My mommy has yellow eyes.", she roughly yanks my head closer to her face, looking at my eyes. She was very touchy to say the least.

"We do have the same eyes, that's so cool!", Anesme nodded her head as she became quiet again.

so far everything has turned out great, they are clearly getting along for the moment. I just don't know how to tell her that hes not my friend, that Colby is her dad.

"Hey Ness, Colby and I have something to tell you. We don't want you to be mad, okay?", I look at cole as his face covers in full panic. We make eye contact, and i give a small smile to let him know it's okay.

She looks between us, cupping her ears once again.

I study her for a minute, before coming to my senses. She deserves to know,

"Colby is your dad, baby."


Anesme // Colby BrockWhere stories live. Discover now