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THE following nights, Hoseok fell asleep in the company of his pillow. Surprisingly his sexual frustration took a nap as well. His writing direction changed towards more peaceful things. He wrote about the beauty of childhood, about green fields and shiny stars. The pleasingness of late-night talks or long walks on the beach.

Once his publisher read what he wrote, she was surprised and equally concerned about him.

"Did you perhaps give your heart to someone?"

"As if..."

"Your way of writing says it all. It looks like you've pinned your eyes at someone."

Hoseok would have lied if he said that he didn't think about her in the back of his mind. The memory of her heated gaze, her heavy breaths, cracked moans ran in his thoughts and caused him to reach and loosen the tie around his neck.

But he wasn't in love with Mika. There was no possible way because to give your heart to someone you need to get to know them first. Get to know their flaws and see if you are able to accept the person they are. And he had no idea who she was.

If he was being honest - Mika was a crush. She was the girl who unleashed his hidden adrenaline rush, the girl who pushed him even above his limits and made him do the unthinkable. With her he wasn't holding back or thinking about the consequences, he was just living in the moment. From what he could see, Mika was a moment-girl.

She was bold, teasing, funny, and passionate to the maximum type of a girl. But she wasn't a girl for him. Deep inside Hoseok knew that even if he wanted to, he couldn't keep a girl like her.

Mika was an adventurer. She was the kind who didn't plan on planting her roots and went as the wind was blowing. That was why her chosen profession was the most suitable for her. It gave her the ability to travel freely around the globe, meet new people and visit the places that not many could reach. This profession was her excuse to never stay too long in one place and connect with someone.

And even if it was hurting him to admit this - she wasn't going to change for him.


In the meanwhile, Mika didn't spend her time thinking about Hoseok. She was so busy with her next project that she barely had the time for herself. She hadn't called her best friends either, who she knew, were going to mad at her about it.

Not only that she was busy as hell, but the project on which she was working wasn't going very well. After showing the pictures of Hoseok to her professor, he persuaded her to continue with this type of photos. That was supposed to be the theme of her new exhibition - the nude beauty, it was called.

The only problem was, she wasn't satisfied with the models she was photographing. The men were either too much build-up or too skinny, the women too fair. She had seen so much nudity in the past few days, that she began to think they were all the same.

Mika just couldn't find the beauty in them. She didn't see the shiny sparks in their irises, the curves of their bodies, the rosiness of their cheeks, or the fullness of their lips. They weren't ugly in her eyes, but they were just too ordinary.

She wanted to feel the excitement when she was taking pictures, but neither of her models woke up something inside her. Their smiles were too plain for her liking and the stares too passive. They were boring.

After not getting any progress in her work, Mika had no other choice but to confess this issue to her professor. If one thing was right about him, he could always find a solution to the problems regarding her photographing. And he didn't disappoint her this time either.

"Maybe you don't need different models. You can't find what you are looking for in them, because you don't even search for it. Deep inside you know that the thing you desire is not inside them."

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is that you need to seek for the one who gave you this idea in the first place."

When Mika looked at him confused, he reached for her pictures and searched for the ones with dates as the beginning of the project. He took the picture he mostly liked and lift it in front of her face.

"Find the owner of this."

Even after Mika got out of her professor's office, his words hunted after her. The picture he had chosen contained a red stain of her lips covering the white skin over a collar bone. The photo was a synonym of the passion she felt that night and the red lipstick marks resembled the bite marks she wanted to permanently leave on his skin.

Mika remembered very well who the owner was. If she hadn't been so busy these past few days, she would have contacted him for another night filled with pleasure.

Even if she knew that the thing between them wasn't going to last long, Mika wanted to use it to the fullest. She was going to enjoy the excitement he gave her to the very last second.

Mika believed in coincidences because they allowed her to find the most unexpected things in the world and meet people like Hoseok.

But as she walked past the park near her professor's office, while reaching for her bag to take out her phone and call Hoseok, her eyes spotted him. Half-laying on one of the benches, he was reading a book. He was so lost in his own world, to see the tree above him hiding his beauty from the sun. Only the few sun rays who managed to get through the branches were able to dance along with his hair locks.

At that moment Mika forgot about her believes and just stared at him. This coincidence was just too good to be true.

But was it just a coincidence that Hoseok showed up in front of her view at the exact moment she needed him or it was destiny trying to tell her something?


N O T E:

I'm sorry you had to wait this long for an update! I hope that this chapter makes up for it. Thank you for being patient with me.

I love you!


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