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MORNINGS in July were known as the most insufferably hot ones. But it was precisely that morning that Hoseok thought he was going to melt right there and then. Riding in a bus filled with more people than the population of a small country, wasn't on his day-plan when he woke up that morning. To add with that, it seemed as if the temperature had planned to high a mountain peak in a record amount of time.

He clinched on the metal stick hovering slightly above his head, diving in an impossible mission to keep his balance and not embarrass himself by kissing the dirty floor. Just the thought of having his lips anywhere near it, made him gulp rapidly to prevent a gagging sound that crept in his throat to escape his mouth.

He tried not to think of the sweaty bodies all around him, which were probably leaving their sticky marks on his dress white shirt, and was definitely trying to forget about the awful stink that nested the insides of the bus.

His eyes met the time on his wristwatch. Groaning in his mind, he prayed to God to give him the strength to survive the one-more-hour ride. He desperately needed a distraction, immediately.

He let his eyes roam around his surroundings. A man, who seemed to be walking the path through his late fifties, was standing on his right side. His neatly styled hair was on its way to destruction as a result of the moist air, but the man paid no attention to it. He was so lost in his thoughts looking somewhere in the moving horizon outside the window, that he didn't even realize that he had been shamelessly picking his nose for the last half an hour.

The neighbor of his left side was a high-scholar. The blond-haired girl had her large purple earphones plugged in and was jamming on her music completely unaware that it was so loud that half of the bus was able to hear what kind of songs she was listening to.

Just when he was about to turn towards his next companion, the bus had stopped. One by one, people escaped through the doors as if the insides were caught on fire which, to be honest, wasn't far from the truth.

He took a deep breath, trying to inhale as much as possible of the fresh air from outside that won the battle against the one from inside the bus.

As the passengers one by one were departing, his hope for an available place to sit grew bigger. But his celebration was cut short when a new group of unlucky travelers climbed inside.

Welcome to hell, he wanted to rub in on their fresh wounds when they made disgusted faces meeting with the stink.

For a moment he let his mind be cut up envying the guy who was sitting beside a half-opened window, swearing that he would give one of his kidneys just so he can take his place. He was so lost sending poisonous daggers towards him, to realize that the real distraction had taken place right in front of him – like really, really close in front of him.

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