Depuis le début

Iida:" i-i-if midoriya can really analyse our quirks to the point a man is completely capable of defeating us with nothing but his strength. Im terrified of what would happen if izuku became a villain.!"

Mineta:" hey guys. Has any one noticed how cool midoriya is. He's plain but out of all of us he is the most interesting. He has no quirk but he seems to have trained his body all so he can help and save people. I was originally here to peep on hot girls"

Every girl in the vicinity had a death aura.

Mineta wasn't fazed by this" but he's actually been inspiring me to become a better person. I havent sinned since the villain attack."

Denki:"my god....YOUR RIGHT!WHEN I SHOWED YOU A MAGAZINE OF MT.LADY YOUR EYES WEREN'T interested. You were dull."

Sero:"if midoriya can turn perverts into respected students then I believe he took out hero killer at hosu instead of endeavor."

Shoto and iida panicked because thats what midoriya did. In this version simon saved tensei(ingenium) from stain. But stain got away due to ingeniums quirk backfiring threatening to blow his legs the feck up.

Flash back. Midoriya is helping a couple out from a burning building when he sees stain duck into and ally followed by iida.

Midoriya being the hero he was didnt follow iida because there were still people that needed saving.

After that izuku found himself folloing iida into the alley. He ran across a few connected alley and as he ran by he saw stain standing over iida with a sword in his arm while native man was injured and out of the battle behing him. Stain was talking shit about ingenium and how pro heros aren't true heros.

Izuku ran straight at stain and punched him right in the face. He then grabbed the knife from iidas shoulder.

Iida screamed as the blade was ripped out from his arm while izuku threw it at stain who side stepped and grabbed only to find a kick bending him to his knees. Stain looked at izuku to find that he had disappeared. Stain realised he messed up and looked back to see native gone and pieced together that izuku escaped with native then he thought of finishing iida and tried to walk when he fell. He realised some thing really important. He had dislocated legs. Midoriya had dislocated the mans legs with out him felling jack shit.

Stain the forced his bones back in place only to hear a thump as izuku had returned with sad boi Todoroki who was no longer sad.

Stain then tried to escape when he felt a kick from iida who had realised  the same things he did in the anime. Only his brother didn't get disabled but the same things.

Izuku took a step and shoto froze half the alleyway and iida did his recipro burst and spartan kicked stain in the chest sending him straight towards midoriya who side stepped and slapped stains neck causing him to blackout while todoroki used ice to lock him in an ice ball.

Izuku found himself being lectured by the pro heros for taking on stain and while todoroki and iida took it to heart izuku just said"those are funny words coming from a pro who would be dead, if we hadn't stepped in, native would've died and then after that stain would kill you and then he'd go and kill endeavor because any normal person would. He would've killed us if he had kept his guard but since we were kids he didn't take us seriously and we didn't give him the time to get his guard up. Lecture me when you're the no1 hero."

Izuki walked away with that out burst. Every body shocked that izuku would say such a thing. But there was truth to his words. The pros most certainly would've died and they didn't have any plot armor.

Iida and todoroki just took a mental note that you don't fuck with izuku without a death wish and were gonna congratulate katsumi for being alive.

Flash back ends poorly

Sucessor Of Arachne: DEEZ NUTZOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant