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According to Greek mythology, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Fearing their power, Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves. And when one of them meets the other half, the actual half of herself, whether she be a lover of youth or a lover of another sort, the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy and one will not be out of the other's sight, even for a moment...

It took Rosé two decades of her life to figure out that she wasn't good at being a demigod. Abandoned by her birth mother, she was taken into Mount Olympus. Many believed she had the potential to be a great hero- her energy was able to pulse through her bones and out into electric lightning blots that could yield the strongest army. And her beauty? Unmatched.

But her father, Zeus, learned quickly that Rosé was volatile. She was emotional, and she couldn't control her powers unless there were tears streaming down her face. Her emotions were as strong as her powers- she felt everything in a tsunami wave she never could see coming. So, she was cast aside as her siblings proved to be valiant fighters who would complete quests in the Mortal World.

Something broke in her when her father took her aside on her birthday.

"Darling, perhaps you should spend a summer in the Underworld? Hades said that you could learn a lot from The Fates." Zeus remarked, keeping his hand on his daughter's back.

His eyes told her that this was his last plan- that he expected her to be forming lightning storms by now. That he expected Rosé to be interacting with the other demigods who earned their place to stay on Olympus. He didn't expect her to shrivel up into a shell. He was a king. He always expected more.

Rosé stepped back. Her father got her a summer job? At the only place in the world with no sunlight? She already felt like the joke amongst the heroes, but this was a new level.

"I'm not sure, Father." She smiled sadly. "I want to explore the Mortal World."

"For what? To find your mother. She abandoned you." He chuckled. "Rosie, please consider it."

He hasn't called her that since she was six and accidentally shocked a bird. But, she just shook her head and returned to her bedroom for the night.

When she locked the door behind her, she pulled down a tapestry on her wall to reveal a map with notes scribbled around it. Tonight was the night Rosé returned to the Mortal World- and she wouldn't look back.

She grabbed her things into a small bag- one that is much, MUCH bigger on the inside. She throws in her books, her paints, and all of her mortal artifacts- a toothbrush, a guitar, and a rubber duck. She also throws in a dagger for good measure- you never know who you'll meet!

"Going somewhere?" She turns around to reveal Eros, her floormate, floating outside her window. Her look goes from overjoyed to pissed off that one of Zeus's favorites is about to ruin her great escape.

"What do you want, Eros?" Rosé asks.

"Actually, I have something that you'd be more interested in knowing than me." He explained, flying in and sitting down on her windowsill's seat. "I was at my apprenticeship with The Fates today, and I saw your name on a string. I couldn't help but peek into what you've been planning."

Rosé scoots closer, putting her bag down.

"So you know I'm about to run away from Olympus? And you're not gonna stop me?"

"Nope." He laughed. "Because according to The Fates, you're going to meet your soulmate when you touch down on the Mortal World."

She is shocked. Someone like her doesn't get a soulmate.

"You're joking, right?" She asked.

"My old friend, I know what I see when it comes to love." Eros smiles. "Just be careful, okay? We don't want Zeus causing another hurricane."

As Eros walks away, Rosé is holding back a question- which clumsily falls out.

"Hey, Eros?"


"Can you at least give me their name?"


"And so, Theseus saved the arrogant Princess from the Minotaur. But do you all agree that him leaving her sleeping on the island was a fair trade for their deal?"

Y/N's class was dead. It was a Friday, and she could see the students in the back scrolling on their phones and hitting their vapes. Teenagers.

"You know what, guys? Let's stop here." She announced, closing her laptop. "Quiz is next week, and that's on this story and the next one. I implore you guys to read along. Remember, they're translated. I'm sure you all can understand an Ancient Greek translation. Or at least the Sparknotes."

The undergrads ran out of class. All of them were so excited about the weekend. But Y/N's weekend was filled with contemplating how many term papers she has to grade while at karaoke with her friends. Teaching was never in the cards for Y/N, but it's what she needed to get a good recommendation for a study abroad in Greece. With that, she could work to become a true mythologist and work with museums and documentarians. But for now, she's assigning coloring pages to college students in order to make sure they're paying a little bit of attention.

"Excuse me, Professor Y/N?" Y/N turns to see a student standing behind her, twirling her hair. "I was just wondering if you offered any...tutoring after class."

The girl moved her hand to Y/N's arm, but Y/N nervously dodged it.

"I'm no professor yet. And have you checked the page? I've left several YouTube videos on there that break down the concepts."

"Well, I was going to go get some dinner tonight if you were interested." Y/N's cheeks flushed, coughing to disrupt the tension.

"Look, I'm flattered. But I don't fraternize with students like that. I'm sorry."

The poor girl nodded, and left with her head down. Clapping was heard from the doorway, and a bright laugh.

"Wow. You really know how to lighten the mood." Y/N's best friend Lisa came into the classroom wearing sweatpants and a cropped hoodie- a stark difference from Y/N's scholarly aesthetic for class. She was wiping tears from giggling too much at her friend rejecting her student's advances.

"Coming from work?" Y/N chuckled. Lisa worked at a Zumba studio downtown, in order to make ends meet. One day she dreamed of opening her own studio, but unfortunately nobody took her college degree in Dance and Performance seriously.

"You wouldn't expect a dance studio to be busy today, but it was. A whole office of middle-aged women attended my class today."

The two snorted together. Y/N loved hearing about her shocked reactions when she puts on explicit rap music in her classes.

"But, seriously what's up? I have papers to grade." Y/N gestured to a stack of book reports.

"Jennie and I thought it would be a great idea to go get some food. Are we still on for the music festival in the park tomorrow?" Lisa and Jennie have been dating for a few months now. They were inseparable.

"Totally. Can I invite Jisoo? Her head's been in the same book all day and I can't bear to watch her suffer any longer."

"As long as she orders something OTHER than chicken." Every time the four friends went out, Jisoo always ordered some form of chicken. When everyone began to catch on, they would randomly take her to restaurants that served anything but chicken.

Y/N laughed, and the two exited the classroom to Y/N's makeshift office. Right next to her desk, which was swarmed with greek god action figures, was Jisoo's- clean, organized, and stacked with large books.

"Hey!" Y/N's voice shook her out of her diligent reading. "We're getting food. Come on!"

"I have to finish this translation." Jisoo waved. Lisa smiled to Y/N.

"There's chicken." Lisa held back a laugh.

Jisoo bookmarked her page, and got up quickly, getting her jacket and laptop. Before they knew it, she was halfway down the hall.

"Nice job." Jennie laughed.

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