"So they say," Joffrey responded, stepping away from the table before he suddenly spun back around.

Annalys watched unamused as Joffrey repeatedly cleaved the book that Tyrion had just given him with his new sword. Numerous people gasped while Annalys rolled her eyes once more. It was honestly the only thing she could do at that moment, knowing she couldn't speak up.

However, it did annoy her that her brother had the audacity to destroy a book as old as the one laying on the table. before him. That book had the history of four kings, history that was probably not known nor written down anywhere else in the world.

Now, it was gone. All because of Joffrey and his need to make a spectacle.

   Everyone at the table began to jump in fright as Joffrey continued to tear apart the book with his Valyrian Steel sword.

  Annalys, on the other, stood in place, watching him closely. She wished she could do the same to her brother as Joffrey was doing to the book at that moment. More than anything in the world.

"Such a great sword should have a name. What shall I call her?" Joffrey asked the crowd, smile on her face.




"Widow's Wail." Annalys whispered softly, finding the name to go well with her brother's personality.

"Widow's Wail," Joffrey suddenly spoke up, causing Annalys' eyes to widen in shock at the fact that Joffrey had actually picked the one she suggested, "I like that. In honor of my sister's treachery, of course," he smirked, looking over at Annalys, whose face had turned cold, "Every time I use it, it will also be like cutting off Ned Stark's head all over again. "

Joffrey sheathed the sword once more and both Annalys and Sansa looked dejected. He sat back in his seat, Annalys continuing to stare at him.

In a way, she found what Joffrey said amusing.

"It will be like cutting off Ned Stark's head again," He had said and Annalys wanted to laugh, knowing that Joffrey wasn't even the one who swung the sword in the first place. It had been Ser Illyn Payne, not Joffrey. Joffrey had only given the order.

Annalys thought that to make her brother an even bigger coward. Since the first time she had been forced to stay with the Starks as a child, Annalys began to believe in a phrase that she heard Ned Stark say multiple times.

"The man passing the sentence should swing the sword."

Since then, she always believed in those words. Robb did as well. She and him lived by those words during the war multiple times.

Annalys knew she would keep doing so, even when she finally killed the Mountain. 


   At Joffrey and Margaery's wedding, Margaery and her father walked down the aisle together before Mace handed his daughter off to Joffrey. The pair smiled at each other, locking arms as they continued to walk up the steps to the High Septon. Without having to be told, Joffrey placed his cape over Margaery's shoulders, the two of them clashing hands as the High Septon began to bind them together.

"Let it be known that Margaery of House Tyrell and Joffrey of the Houses Lannister and Baratheon are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be he who would seek to tear them asunder." The High Septon announced loudly.

Joffrey held Margaery's hand, turning to look at the crowd as he spoke loudly, "With this kiss, I pledge my love." He announced before turning to his new wife, kissing her, the crowd applauding.

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