I just wanted to finish the clinic and go back to EFA. School work piled up no matter how much I did, and my phone constantly buzzed. I regretted returning Scarlett and Mia's texts, but I didn't want any conflict when I got back to the academy.

I'd only gotten half way into the polo clinic, when trouble arose. While everyone was distracted, Ebony got bored and started picking at her nails. And when ever she got bored, her mouth started moving.

"Can your horse move any slower?" she snickered sarcastically.

I roll my eyes.

"Look at it, how pitiful" Erin states.

"- Then again, he can't be worse then Emily's horse. They're a train wreck" she laughs.

I glower at her. "How about you stick to riding your horse, and not talking?"

This time she rolls her eyes. "How about you stick to riding in your team, where you belong. Literally anywhere that's not here"

I didn't have anything to say back to her, only things that are best left unsaid.

As we begin a mini game of polo, I'm put on the opposing team with our coach for the clinic, Harry. The balls passed to me and I canter away with Storm. I was getting a hang of the game, but it was difficult, especially when Erin shadowed me everywhere. She intercepts and steals the ball, passing it to Emily further down. However, Hope doesn't move quick enough and Emily misses the ball.

My team gets the ball back, and this time I pass it to Luke who scores. The team cheers, earning a glare from Erin. I roll my eyes and continue minding my own business. It wasn't until we swapped coaches, that I realised the full extent of Erins agitation.

"Great job Taylor, you did it again" Erin states, pushing her horse closer to Storm.

I laugh. "Seriously? What are you talking about?"

Erin fakes a smile. "You've taken over the team of course, everyone is just so impressed with you. What can't you do really? Hey, maybe if you suck up to the coaches enough, they'll put you straight into the advanced team... oh wait, they already have"

I shake my head. "Just because your in an older grade, doesn't mean you can step all over me, nor does it make you a better rider. So how about you bother someone else, okay?"

"Wrong, I can do what ever I like, because I am the better rider. Once we stop playing these childish games and actually start the real clinic, you'll see" she snaps.

I nod. "I guess we'll see, won't we?"

As soon as the other riders come closer, she goes back to staring ahead.

Was she challenging me?

As everyone lines up for the basics of Puissance jumping clinic, I shake my head. I'm way to tired for this clinic, let alone Erin. If she expects me to compete against her, she's strongly mistaken.

Felix, our coach for the clinic, decides to do a demo on his horse. The jump looked about seven feet and I was surprised how well the mare handled it. Immediately everyone claps, and a lot of them eye the jump competitively. Felix lowers the jump for everyone and we begin practicing.

Storm eyes the wall suspiciously at first, but goes over after the flicker of hesitation. The heights begin to go up as time ticks by, and I found myself jumping 1.20m. Storm brushed the jump, but otherwise got over rather cleanly. If Erin wasn't angry before, she definitely was after she knocked down the high jump. Her cheeks were flushed and she looked like she desperately wanted to go again.

As Felix gives feedback, I play with my reins, enjoying that I did something Erin couldn't.

Much to everyone's dismay, the jump wasn't raised any higher. The clinic soon came to an end, and the whole EFA squad was ushered into the outdoor arena. We weren't riding anymore, but we were thanked for coming by the Lockhart family.

As we dismounted and had a chance to speak to the coaches, I made sure to thank Skylar and Jewel.

"Thank you so much, I appreciate the tips you've given me over the past couple of days, it's really helped my riding" I said sincerely.

Jewel smiles. "It was a pleasure, but just remember to take things at your pace"

Skylar adds. "In saying that, we're really looking forward to seeing you ride in the future"

As we finish saying our farewells, Jewel leaves to go speak with some of her other students. However, Skylar stays back for a moment. 

"Also, don't let Erin get the best of you, people like that never build a career with the attitude she has. You'll see" She says quietly.

"-but that doesn't mean you can't put her in her place" Skylar adds cheekily, before moving away.  

I suppress a laugh, not surprised by Skylar's words.

"Taylor, let's go" Emily said, linking arms with me.

I pause. "Aren't you staying back to hear the results for the scholarship?"

I was referring to the tryouts JOPS had hosted alongside the clinic. Many JOPS students had the opportunity to apply for an EFA scholarship. The results were to be announced straight after the clinic ended.

Emily shrugs. "EFA have done many tryouts before and haven't selected a single person. It'll probably be the same. Plus, I want to cool down Hope straight away. She hasn't been like herself today"

I glance at Storm who looked extremely tired after today's extensive workout. "Yeah, you're right, they deserve to be cooled down straight away"

As we begin to lead the horses back into the barn, I couldn't help but ask. "Do you think someone purposely gave Hope that food?"

Emily laughs, brushing me off. "Don't be ridiculous. It was just an accident"

I sigh, knowing there was no point in reasoning with her.

To them, I was a naive kid who was overreacting.

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