Chapter 8: Finding peace

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It's been 2 days of running and hiding. 'I can't take it anymore, I need to find a peaceful place!' I said to myself as I find a pretty peaceful place, it was a garden. Reminds me of Overwatch a bit. I look around and saw nobody so I walked around finding a nice place next to a tree with pink leafs. It was beatiful. I sit down and look arouns getting lost in my thoughts. 'Did i make the right decision? After all, I was just cousing trouble..' I sigh and close my eyes. I stayed like that dor a while until I feel a warm metal hand on my shoulder. I turn around to see an omnic.

"Gretings, my child. What brings you here?" He said with a calm voice. I look at him and answer. "Nothing. I'm just trying to find my peace. S-sorry for bothering". He laughs. "I can sense sadness in your heart, my child. If you're trying to find peace you should come with me. I'll help you find your inner peace." He said showing me a temple. I look at him and nod, I guess this is for the best.
"What's your name?" He asks while we going to the temple. "G-Genji" I answer. "My name is Zenyatta".

One month later


It's been one month since Genji left. I keep waiting for the day when he gets back but my hope get's lower by each day. Sometimes I just go in my office and get lost in my papers just to keep my mind off. I guess those past 2 missions helped too. Sometimes I can't even sleep, questining myself 'What did i do wrong?'.

I went to the kitchen to get something to eat. I find Lena there making her usual sandwich. "Hey, Angela!" She says in a cheerful way. "Oh, hello." I answer while I look for some snacks. "How are you doing?". I turn around with a bag of chips. "I'm just hungry thats all." She look at me and the bag. "That bag of chips won't do it. Here have this other sandwich!" I look at her putting the chips back. "I guess you're right." I get the sandwich thanking her. It was pretty good. We stayed there and chat for a while, made me feel better.


I went outside and took a seat under the tree my master first found me. I started to meditate, get lost in my mind. I couldn't get Angela off my mind. I stayed there for a while until Zenyatta comes next to me. "Again something bothering you?" He asks. "Heh. How did you know?" I look at him taking a seat. "You are in this spot. And I can sense it." He answers with a warm voice. "Before getting here. There was this beautiful woman who saved my life. Her name is Angela". I sigh 'Angela...' He looks at me waiting for me to continue. "Before getting here, I avoided eye contact with everyone, even her. And then I just left without anyone knowing.." I sigh and look down feeling guilty. "My child, you took this path to find your peace. Your peace wasn't there. I think they will understand one day." He adds while he puts a hand on my shoulder. "I guess you're right, master." I look at him. "Now let's go have some tea, sha'll we?" I nod and follow him inside the temple.
'Angela.. forgive me' I say to myself.

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