Chapter 7: The Decision

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It's been 4 days and I haven't seen Genji or even talk with him. He avoided all sorts of contact with everyone. The only place he would be was the training room. He kept training with no stop. He was torturing himself. I couldn't stand and look at him do that. I need to do something! But what?


'BLOOD... PAIN! I CAN'T STOP! I NEED TO GET STRONGER!' I kept repeating that to myself while training for days now. I stop training as I was staring in a mirror. 'What if I leave Overwatch? I cause a lot of trouble anyways..' I sigh and put my sword back behind. 'I mean Angela has a lot to worry about already. Why add more?' I said as I left the training room and leave the area. I once turn back and look at the base. I sigh again "It's for the best. Forgive me, Angela" I said sad while running away to who knows where.


After I finish the papers I look at the clock '3PM'. 'Great! Now I can spend time with him' I said to myself with a big smile. I leave the room fast and go to the training room. "Genji?". The room was empty. 'Maybe he's in the kitchen!' I go to the kitchen and.. NOTHING. I checked his room too. Nothing. 'Maybe he's outside?' I go outside still with hope in my eyes. I went to the others and ask about him. Nobody saw him. I went to my room with tears in the eyes and closed myself there. 'D-did he just leave? Did he leave me? Just like that? DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG?' I said to myself starting to cry.

Three hours passed and I was still crying. I was devastated. It was silence until I hear a knock on the door. I was down leaning on the door holing my knees. I got up, wiped my eyes and hid my face with my hair. I open the door to see everyone at my door. They had a fake smile on their faces just to cheer me up. "W-what are you guys doing here?" I sob. "Don't worry luv! He's coming back!" Tracer said as Rein added "YEAH! HE COULDN'T RESIST A DAY WITHOUT A PIECE OF REINHARDT!" While showing his muscles. We all laughed. I sigh and get outside my room and spend some time with them. 'Maybe Lena is right, he's coming back.'

I Choose You [Genji x Mercy]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora