Chapter 17 {Do You Know...}

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Riley was excited about therapy on Thursday and she found it very strange considering she was never excited about therapy. It was something the school enforced upon her at the end of last year due to numerous people saying they witnessed her trying to commit suicide. She hated coming here, but she did it because she didn't need to draw attention to her life or cause a scene. She hated the fact that everyone in her therapy session had this idea in their head that they understood what she was feeling. That just because they needed therapy as well meant that they understood her situation completely and could empathize 100% because that was far from the truth. They didn't understand her situation any more than she could understand their lives. Everyone has a different story to tell and different hardships to overcome and as much as people try to understand or say they empathize, they can never truly empathize because we are all completely different people; living completely different lives. That was something Riley always believed, so then, why did she feel like that boy on the roof knew exactly how she was feeling? Why did she feel like coming today just for the hope of maybe catching a glimpse of him? Just to see that beautiful smile that put all others to shame?

She was just moments from entering the therapy session when she heard the faint sound of a familiar tune playing down the hall. Her eyes narrowed and she began following the sound of one of her favorite songs. The music led her all the way up the stairs and onto the roof. 

She immediately began laughing at the sight of the boy dancing along to the song, The Middle as he used a broom as his own personal microphone. He heard her laughter and began walking over to her while mouthing the words. 

"Hey, don't write yourself off yet

It's only in your head you feel left out or looked down on.

Just try your best, try everything you can.

And don't you worry what they tell themselves when you're away.

It just takes some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride.

Everything, everything will be just fine, everything, everything will be alright."

He was really getting into the chorus which only made her laugh harder as he took her hands and pulled her away from the door to dance. She immediately shook her head, but he just continued to sing along with the song and move her arms back and forth like spaghetti in his hands. He snickered at her uncooperative dance moves and spun her around. 

She didn't understand how he could be so full of life after everything that he had gone through. His mother was sick and he had his brother to take care of but here he was, dancing on a roof and laughing like crazy. How was it even possible to be filled with so much joy in times of so much pain and suffering? She didn't know how it was possible, but she was sure as hell going to find out. 

She began laughing at his stupid dance moves and soon found herself dancing right along with him because it was impossible not to. It was impossible to see his smile and not smile yourself, it was impossible to hear his laugh and not laugh right along with him, it was impossible to see him dance and not want to make a fool out of yourself right along with him. 

He twirled her around once more as the music came to an end and she found herself in his arms, staring up at his beautiful brown eyes. He looked down at her and something inside clicked, it was like he was staring straight into her soul and she didn't even mind. 

She felt something when his arms were around her that she's never felt before or maybe she had but it seemed unrealistic to have feelings for someone when all you knew was the sound of their voice. She stared up at him a moment as if her entire body wouldn't allow her to move from his grasp. They were like magnets and neither one of them wanted to break the bond.

He stared down at her with a smile that caused both her head and heart to flip. He leaned closer and she could feel her heartbeat increase as his warm breath sent a chill down her spine, electrocuting every nerve in her body. 

"You're beautiful, you know that?"

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