
    At Riverrun, in a fit of rage, Robb yelled out, flipping one of the small tables in his room. Tears rushed down his pale cheeks as he trashed the chambers he once shared with Annalys, distraught after hearing about her being betrothed to Loras Tyrell and about all the lies she made about their marriage.

Hearing the commotion, Catelyn ran to her son's room. She gasped in shock as she opened the door to find the room completely trashed, "Robb! Robb!" She shouted out worriedly, trying to get her son's attention.

    Robb continued to angrily cry, slowly turning to face his mother with more tears just waiting to spill from his sad blue eyes, "She betrayed me. She used me," Robb cried out, panting for breath as he dropped the glass in his hand to the ground, "She's in King's Landing, living as if the three years we spent together never happened. She lied and claimed I forced her to marry me, that I forced myself on top of her every night. She claims I'm unable to create children."

"The words she was forced to say, without a doubt," Catelyn tried to assure Robb as they both took a seat on Robb's bed, which was the only thing that wasn't trashed in his chambers, "Annalys is a princess. The granddaughter of Tywin Lannister, the most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms. He married Cersei off to Robert Baratheon the moment he became King. Annalys' sister was sent off to Dorne to marry the prince. Annalys was sent off to marry you years ago as well. They think you're dead. They'll want to marry her off to a man of a great house to make new alliances. Annalys must go along with it or else it'll cause suspicion."

Robb remained silent for a moment, refusing to tell her mother the truth about Annalys actually being pregnant, "She created lies about me." He managed to speak up, on the verge of crying again.

"King's Landing is full of liars, Robb. She needed to say such things to survive. Her reputation would be ruined if she hadn't." She continued to try and comfort Robb.

It was a shocker, that Catelyn was actually defending Annalys. It was not a secret that Catelyn started to dislike Annalys after her son married her and broke an oath to the Freys. However, here she sat, taking the woman's side when her son tried to think of the worse. But did Robb believe her?


  The following day, it was finally Annalys' name day. She stood in front of her mirror, eying the dress she wore. Her growing belly was visible, but not too much. The color she wore was able to mask it a bit, but that didn't stop Annalys from worrying.

There was a knock on the door, causing Annalys to sigh in frustration. She stomped over to the door, opening it to find Lady Jeyne standing before her, "I thought I said I dismissed you from your duties as my handmaiden," Annalys complained with an attitude.

"I thought I told I can't do that," Jeyne snapped back at Annalys before the princess could react, Jeyne pushed past her and opened the door, "I've heard all the stories floating around court about you and your former husband, Robb."

"What of it?" Annalys asked her handmaiden in annoyance.

"Well, I'd like you to know that I saved you from execution," Jeyne informed Annalys, who was on the verge of speaking up before she was cut off, "Your mother has constantly asked me if you've bled."

Annalys' eyes widened in alarm, feeling stupid for forgetting about that, "I-I--" She began to say, only to have Jeyne cut her off.

"I told her you have," Jeyne replied, causing Annalys to sigh in defeat, "But you and I both know that's a lie."

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