14 - Keeping Promises

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Kit was frantically walking back and forth in his old room. He would sit down, stand up and walk in circles before sitting down again. Ming was left downstairs to fend off for himself. He can imagine the worst scenario that could be happening at this very moment.

As if on trial, Ming stood in front of Kit's parents and relatives. Keeping a straight face and summoning all the courage that he has.

"My son came home with a man he suddenly wants to marry. How do you think my family should feel about this? What do you think other people would say about us?" Ming's father had spoken in a very sharp tone.

Ming cleared his throat, trying to calm his nerves.

"Sir.. With all due respect, how do you think Kit feels right now? I've known Kit for a very long time to know how much he loves his family. He never got into any fight and he was a straight A student since we were in highschool. Now he's a surgeon. He is kind and gentle and compassionate." Ming answered firmly in the most polite way that he can.

"He's my son. I already know all of that. What exactly are you saying young man?" Kit's father bantered back to Ming furiously.

"I'm saying.. out of all the billions of people in this world, P'Kit.. Kit.. deserves to be one of the happiest. I'm a part of his happiness, as he is mine. In the day's that he is troubled, we are his comfort. All of us in this room are most of the reason for his smiles and laughter. We each have a part to play in Kit's life to make him happy, so I beg of you.. please don't rip me out of his life just yet. There's so much I want to show him."

Ming's answer had caught Kit's father by surprise. It wasn't the answer he was expecting.

"You can all cuss at me or beat me up if you want to but that won't change my good intentions for Kit. I just want to make him happy.. because I love your son." Ming declared, he can feel the back of his throat tightens by the tension.

Everyone in the room did not know what to say. The man standing before them was determined.

"Never have I been disrespected by anyone." Kit's father had stood up.

Ming braced himself for a punch he was about to receive. He knew it will hurt and it will probably sent him flying across the room. But he has to endure it, for Kit.

He was about to close his eyes when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Ming looked at Kit's father with confusion all over his face.

"Ming you stood up for my son even if it's against his own family. You're more than capable to protect him at any cost, I can see it in you. You remind me so much of my youth."

"Maybe just not that handsome." Kit's grandmother had blurted out from the back, earning a laugh from everyone.

Ming was still lost for words. Was it all a test? More importantly, did he passed?

"Sir.. I.. I don't think I understand-"

"I should have known that you stole my son's heart. You were the last person he brought here and my wife saw a photo of you hidden in Kit's closet. I just wanted Kit to have a normal life, an easy life. Can you blame a father for trying?" He smiled and sighed before he continued on speaking.

"Do you really love Kit?"

Ming can feel his own tears rising. He nodded eagerly.

"Yes sir."

"Very well, take good care of my son."

Kit's mother who approached them, held Ming's hand, she was on the verge of tears and her voice soft and slow.

"Kit went home one night, it was three or two years ago. He was crying. He hugged me as soon as he saw me. We didn't know what was wrong. He didn't want to tell me anything. Now I understand why." She looked at Ming.

"My own son was crying and I didn't know how to help him because he's scared to tell us the truth, that we might hate him. He kept all the pain to himself and I couldn't do anything." Kit's mom had broken into tears.


They all turned to look at Kit, standing on the staircase. Tears on his cheeks and his heart twisting and turning. Kit only meant to check what was happening downstairs but he was able to listen to his mom.

"Ma.." His voice was breaking. All this time Kit never knew that his mom had felt this way.

Kit ran towards his mother while she opened her arms to meet him in an embrace. For a moment it reminded her of when Kit was but a child and he would ran to her while laughing at almost everything.
She hugged him tenderly like the old days.

"Whoever you choose to love is up to you. We are your family. And always, we will support your happiness no matter what."

Kit looked at Ming and mouthed the words 'I love you' inaudibly.

Ming felt a great sense of joy and relief.

"I love you too.."

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