7 - Beach Trip

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Kit had woken up in a good mood. He kept on staring at the ring on his finger given by Ming's mom the night before. He spent some time on his bed raising his hands in the ceiling and just watch the jade sparkle against the rays of the sun peeking through his bedroom window.

So are they like engaged? Kit asked himself. Ridiculous. They're not even boyfriends yet. But they kissed. He grabbed and messed up his own hair in frustration. What should he do now? How should he act around Ming?

Ming was somewhat touchy towards Kit last night when he drove him home. While Ming's hand was on the steering wheel the other one rests on Kit's thigh then it would turn into Ming holding his hand then eventually into kissing his hand.

Kit decided to cook breakfast while going over the things that had happened recently. For the past 3 years, he was.. okay with his life. Sad, but he was okay nonetheless. In just a few days Ming had returned in his life with an added bonus in the form of baby Mingkit that he greatly loves and Ming's family had accepted him with open arms. He still can't believe it.

He sat on the couch eating porridge and bacon when someone called his name outside his door. He instantly recognized the voice belonging to Beam.

It wasn't only Beam who came to visit Kit this morning, tagging along was his other bestfriend Pha.

"What are you guys doing here this early?"

"Well.. You said you wanted to hang out before you left this week. So here we are!" Beam was his usual self, all smiles and hyper.

"We're going on a beach resort." Pha added.

"Beam when I asked you to hang out I was thinking of coffee or dinner not going on a trip to the country side."

"Oh! Come on! This will be fun!! Pack your things!" Beam seemed like he drank 2 cans of redbull.

"Kit you should just pack. He booked us our rooms and already paid for it." Pha said emotionless.

"You don't seem excited about it." Kit noticed bags under Pha's eyes.

"Yo is not here and Beam woke me up at 4am so.."

Kit just shooked his head. Beam has been getting even more energetic lately. He sighed and went on packing his clothes.

The three was exchanging life stories all through out the drive to the resort. Beam and Pha seem to know more about what's happening between Kit and Ming this whole time.

They arrived at lunchtime and Beam immediately dragged the two to the resort's restaurant after they checked in their rooms and left the baggages.

Beam wanted to try everything and the two could not keep up with his energy. They decided to jet ski while Kit was left to just sit on the shore under the big umbrella.


It sounded like Ming. Kit must have lost his mind. Now he was hearing things.


Kit was suddenly embraced by two arms appearing at his sides from out of nowhere and he found himself being hugged by Ming.

"MINGG!" Kit gasp from the surprise.

What was Ming-- More importantly, how did Ming knew he was here. Did Beam invited him too? Kit thought this trip was about the three of them.

"P'Kit I missed you so much." Ming whispered in his ears which sent shivers along his spine.

No matter how many times he has been close to Ming, even after the kiss, Kit can't bring himself to get used to all the attention and affection Ming was throwing at him.

Kit tried to remove Ming's arms but he should have known by now that he will never win against his persistence.

"Ehh let me just hug you P'Kit." Ming insisted like a kid.

Extremely supressing his giggle, Kit found him adorable. He leaned back on Ming's chest, even in this position he seemed to tower over Kit. He looked up at Ming.

"How did you know we were here?" Kit asked curiously.

"Oh that. My family owns this resort." Ming answered casually while waving back at Pha and Beam from afar.

"I was allerted by a staff that you were here so we drove all the way here."

Kit perked up not because of the fact that Ming owns the resort but because of what he heard about Ming driving all the way here with another person.

"We? W-who are you with?"

"P'Forth. He's here for P'Beam." Ming explained.

"O-oh okay." He went back to leaning on Ming's chest.

"Where is Mingkit?" Kit missed the baby boy and his cheerfulness. It would have been fun if he was with Kit.

"He is at mom's having a playdate. Why aren't you with them?" Ming pointed at Pha and Beam screaming loudly and teasing each other.

Kit was shy, he paid attention to Ming's hands on his tummy, caressing his knuckles.

"I don't really like playing under the sun. I'd rather be here just sight seeing. Besides, my skin would burn faster than you can imagine."

Ming on the other hand had a different thought. He noticed how Kit's white skin turns to pink under minimal heat. It awakened his imagination.

"P'Kit? Let's go to your room. It's getting too hot out here."

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