11 - Dinner First

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"Kit, will you be my mine?"

And in that moment everything ceased to exist for Kit. There was no one else that he can see but the man standing in front of him. He looked at Ming with sparkles in his eyes.

Kit couldn't find the right words to say. Yes seemed like an understatement of how willing and how much he wants to marry Ming. So he took a step and throw himself at Ming in an embrace.

"Ahhm.. Is that a yes? P'Kit?" Ming double checked by asking.

"Yes stupid." Kit answered softly as he repeatedly nods in Ming's chest.

Arms wrapped around Kit's torso as he was being lifted and swayed in the air by Ming accompanied by laughter and loud cheers. The waves almost reaching them.

"Ya! Ming put me down!"

Kit's voice could be heard screaming while Beam and Pha has been shaking their head from a distance, who may or may not had been eavesdropping the entire time.

When Ming had put Kit down he showered him with kisses. Still on the high of finally being Kit's fiance after all they went through.

"I'll get you the most beautiful ring baby." He cupped Kit's face and gazed into his eyes.

"..but I already have the most beautiful ring." Kit showed him the jade on his finger. He wouldn't want to replace it for it meant a lot to him and Ming's family. Ever since he wore it, he felt like it is the symbol of their love that endured years of hardships.

Ming could only smile in response, he was more than happy. A minute ago he thought everything was about to end but now he felt like their lives were just about to begin.

"That reminds me.. Can we visit your parents tomorrow on the drive back to the city? Their house is along the way right? I want to get their blessing."

Kit although reluctant had agreed. It's about time his family meets his future husband. Ming had slept at his family home once but was introduced as a friend to his relatives and pretended to be his boyfriend to his older brother. Now Ming would have to face them as his fiance this time. It was something he didn't want to think about because he didn't expect that any of this would ever happen to them.

In the middle of Kit's thought he heard his stomach rumble aloud. Kit remembered he hasn't had any dinner yet. He looked at Ming who was obviously trying not to laugh at the now annoyed-embarassed Kit. Just as Ming was about to invite Kit to grab their dinner his stomach had already imitated Kit's, louder.

Kit laugh loudly, feeling like they had even the score while Ming scratch the back of his head while laughing lightheartedly.

"Let's go to that grill restaurant." Kit pointed at the nearest establishment in the distance.

"Okay. Let's go?" Ming offered his palm.

Kit slid his finger's in between the spaces of Ming's hand. It brought a smile to his face while looking at their intertwined hands. There was certainty that his hands belongs to Ming's own.

A sudden gush of wind passes through sending chills within Kit.

"I didn't noticed it was this cold."

"Let me hug you then. I'll keep you warm." Ming winked at him after putting his arms on Kit's shoulders. Kit's cheeks had tinted in pink.

Somehow it feels different. Something had changed. Everything feels secured and calm.

Beam and Pha was eating at one of the tables when they arrived. Beam had waved to catch their attention. It was already filled with food and steamy dishes suited for more than two people.

"Heyyy guys! Eat as much you want. Pha will treat us." Beam invited the two while munching on the chicken satay.

Pha looked at Beam with disbelief. Only to sigh in agreement with his friend.

"I'm glad you two are okay." Pha said in contentment.

"Well P'Pha we are more than okay. I asked Kit to marry me and he said yes." Ming boasted.

The two still reacted as if it's the first time they heard of the news. They cheered and congratulated Ming who was showing off by dancing in his seat. Kit laughs at his fiance's antics.

"Let's get our drink on tonight!!" Beam shouted, making everyone stare at their table.

The rest calmed Beam down by agreeing immediately.

After the meal, the four headed towards an open bar near the shore. There were few people drinking in groups, it was a chill night and it was exactly what they needed. To drink and talk about what's been happening on each other's lives.

Ming was either hugging Kit or holding his hands.

"Ming you drove all the way here?" Pha asked.

"Yes. P'Forth and I switched driving after the first hour."

Beam stiffened and fell silent. So he wasn't losing his mind after all. It was Forth that he saw on the shore while they were jet skiing today. Pha looked at his friend worriedly. Beam shook it off by proposing a toast for the newly engaged.

"To Kitty and Ming!" The boys shouted earning a glare from Kit who was annoyed by announcing his nicname. It was followed by laughter from the three.

Shot by shot Ming had gulped down every drink and bottle on the table. Soon enough, his cheeks were red, his gaze were hazy and his words had slurred already.

When the bill was settled, Pha helped Beam until they reached his room and went back to help Kit with Ming who was too wasted to stand.

Ming laid on the bed, passed out. Kit had showered and changed his clothes before hitting the bed.

Kit stared at Ming. He is so handsome and he was Kit's. He noticed that Ming smelled of alcohol and sweat. Kit started pulling Ming's shirt over his head. He gulped at the sight.

Kit licked and bit his own lips. Tempted.

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