2 - Too Close

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Kit barely manages to walk and breathe at the same time. He was still carrying the baby boy who called Ming his daddy. He has a lot of questions ready to burst out any moment and so is his tears. Walking beside him was Ming carrying the two boxes of cake effortlessly, and is now staring at him.

The only conversation that they had moments ago was Ming asking if he was going to Beam's newly opened derma clinic which Kit replied with a nod. Kit tried to put the boy down but the little guy was not having any of it and didn't want to let go of Kit's neck.

"Sorry you had to carry my son." Kit heard Ming apologize as they were walking.

His son. He has a family of his own now. Kit thought to himself which left a pang on his chest.

"H-how.. old is h-he?" Kit had to clear his throat, feeling like he is choking in his own breath.

"He just turned two last month." Ming answered proudly.

The boy is now playing with Kit's hands, Ming caught a glimpse of that and that made his heart swell.

Married, has a child, has a family. Kit pounded these things is his head. Ming had moved on and so should he, Kit repeats to himself over and over again.

What bothers Kit most is that Ming seems to be okay to see him again, like nothing happened. Is he the only one overthinking this situation?

They reached the clinic and Beam was waiting for them acting innocently. Too innocent.

"Kitty! You made it."Beam gave him a kiss on the cheek and Kit swore he heard a low growl somewhere.

"You too Ming." He hugged Ming. Beam looked at the former couple with Kit carrying a child. They look like a family.

They entered the clinic's receiving area and it was beautiful as expected, balloons and other party decor was on the floor and ceiling.

"Thanks for inviting us P'Beam, we bought you a cake." Ming said grinning.

We? Kit felt annoyed but was too tired to correct Ming.

The boy asked to be put down when he saw balloons with different colors then looked at Ming asking for approval and Ming just nodded, he turned to Kit who was still smiling at how cute he was.

Kit was dumbfounded at what the baby wants now.

"P'Kit he's asking if it's okay to play with the balloons." Ming told him.

He gently taps the boys head and nodded. He is like a little version of Ming.

Pha and Yo was there still flirtatious with each other. He rarely see both since Pha was busy managing a few hospitals under his name.

It took everything for Kit not to look at Ming the entire time he was around him. He can feel his gaze at the back of head. If Ming stands too close he could feel his breath on his neck.

He spent his time avoiding Ming. His friends was sensitive enough not to ask them questions or tease both of them.

"Ai Beam congratulations again. Let's hang out next week before I leave. Okay?" He bid Beam goodbye and hugged each of his friends one by one except for Ming.

He looked for Ming's son who was busy looking at the bouncing balloons on the ceiling.

"Baby, Uncle Kit is going home now. Take care of your daddy for me." Kit kissed the boy's forehead but the child was quick enough to latched himself on Kit's neck.

"Dada Kitty.." Tears were at the brim of the boy's eyes.

"Uhh.. Ming? A little help here." He called out for Ming who was watching the exchange the whole time.

Ming tried to take the boy but it refused and hugged Kit even more.

"Baby.. Dada needs to go home now. I promise we'll see him again tomorrow." Ming was pacifying the child who is now almost crying. This broke Kit's heart. For some reason he doesn't want to see the boy cry.

'Wait. Dada? Did Ming just called me Dada?' Kit thought.

"P'Kit he doesn't want to let go. This is what he always do when he's scared."

"Scared of what?"

Ming looked directly in his eyes.

"Of not seeing you again."

Was it really the reason? Is that Ming speaking for himself? Kit was now even more confused as ever.

At the background, the group of friends was watching the scenario unfold before their eyes, eating popcorn and nodding every now and then with smiles plastered on each and every face.

"Do you mind taking him home with me? I'll put him to sleep first then I'll drive you to wherever you need to be.. P'Kit."

He only nodded and regretted the moment he did. Ming calling his name still has an effect on him in ways he couldn't understand.

Kit carried the boy to Ming's car.

"I'll send someone for your car so you wouldn't have to come back."

"Okay." Was all Kit could muster to say.

Ming was deeply overjoyed. This was going even better than he had hoped for.

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