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     After drifting off to sleep to the thought of the emptied book and guessing what Lucas was going to say, there was a busy day waiting ahead of November. It was Friday, the busiest day in the week. First off, it was Herbology with Ravenclaw, which November was very excited for. In classes that they did with Ravenclaw, she sat next to Magdalen and Xyline instead of her room mates, aka her only close friends in her own house. Herbology was one of her favorite classes because first, she absolutely loved Professor Spring, the Herbology teacher and second, it was usually with Ravenclaw. This morning, it was almost the first time talking to Magdalen after the first day of school.

"Maggie!" November said excitedly, as she saw Magdalen and Xyline walk into the classroom filled with greenery. She waved at the two Ravenclaws, telling them to sit next to her. Xyline noticed her first, and Magdalen smiled widely as she saw her best friend.

"Nov, oh I've missed you so much." Magdalen said, squeezing her pal with a tight hug. "I have so many things to tell you."

"If I were you, I won't brag it everywhere I go." Xyline said, her eyes staring at the blank air as she sighed to Maggie's words. "Pathetic."

"It's not pathetic! And, I didn't brag it to everyone." Magdalen said, nudging Xyline with her elbow.

"Yeah, but you don't stop talking about it to me wherever we go." The rich girl said, rolling her eyes. "I'm the victim over here, mate."

November couldn't help but giggle at their friends arguing over a small subject - it was just like a therapy, seeing her best friends have a nice chat.

"So, as I was saying," Magdalen said, throwing a annoyed glare at Xyline, who just shrugged. "I have a b-"

"A boyfriend." Xyline interrupted, cutting Magdalen's words and laughing wildly.

"Xyline! You ruined the moment!" Magdalen was trying to act annoyed at Xyline, but her lips were curled into a cute smile.

"Wait what? No way! Who is it?" November asked, excited as much as Magdalen herself was.

"Luis Muller, from Drumstrang. He's Slytherin, so you must know him well, right?" Magdalen whispered excitedly, and squealed at the end.

"Luis Muller?" November yelled, so surprised that she was obliviated by the fact that the room was filled with Slytherin students, preparing for class. Magdalen hissed, throwing her hands on November's mouth.

"Shut up, he might hear you!" Maggie whispered, her blue hair slipping down her nervous face. But it seemed like the German boy already noticed it - he smiled in a cheesy way as he waved his hand slightly towards Magdalen. Magdalen smiled back as she was hypnotized by his smile, and wriggled her fingers a little bit to wave back.

"Oh my god, she's doing that again." Xyline sighed, face-palming herself.

"Doing what?" The blue haired girl said through her gritted teeth, still sharing cheesy and hypnotized smiles with her foreign boyfriend.

"What you're doing right now, you can't hide your affections towards him."

"Why would I hide it? He's my boyfriend." Magdalen replied in an annoyed voice, her pronunciation still muffled by her gritted teeth, now blowing kisses across the classroom with her loved one. It seemed to be forever - Magdalen was sending kisses and heart eyes to her boyfriend, Xyline seemed like she had gave up, and November just sat there chuckling at her best friend.

After one and half hours of mending sharp leaves and petals, November ended up with a slightly bleeding hand, but she didn't mind. The class was absolutely amazing, like every Professor Spring's lessons were. It was a shame that she had to say goodbye to her Ravenclaw friends, but on the bright side, she had a lot to ask Scipio about the book in the next class. Heading to the classroom with the girls with green robes beside her, their chatters faded away in the background and started to wander off in her own guesses about the mysterious book.

𝖒𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖐𝖊𝖘 ─ Harry Potter Universe OriginalTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon