one moment in time

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we've been told our whole life that we'll find something that we excel at. something that will define us as a person. and, if we're lucky, something we can make a living out of. some people are lucky to find that talent early in life. some people, are even "successful" enough to say that they are the best in their field.

however some of us don't feel we have that success. we spend our whole life floating in an endless loop, wishing for the change that never seems to arrive. we try to be successful but we fail, time and time again.

we all spend so much time of our life wanting to be successful. we don't focus on being kind, or responsible, or mature. all values that are important and may even lead us to being successful.

but more importantly than anything else,
we fail to recognise that we all, maybe just for one moment in time, are successful. success is not a definable nor tangible thing but it's evident everywhere we look, from a baby taking it's first steps to a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly. our success is immeasurable, we just need to know where to find it.

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