The Twelfth Song: Possessions, Obsessions, and One Angry Session

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Novella's POV

"Uwaaa...! This sucks!" I exclaimed to myself, my arms crossed and my foot tapping the elevator's floor in irritation. I glared at my reflection," Why does Harumi have to be so busy with this stupid ball? She's fucking surrounded by people that aren't even like her! They don't belong in the world of Howaito Noizu!" But then, I began to giggle, just imagining my gorgeous goddess on stage, blowing everyone away with her talent and showing the world who the true queen was," Oh, I just can't wait to see what happens next! It'll be so splendid!"

I arrived to the seventh floor, picked up my bags, and made my way to room 712. I could feel a smirk play upon my lips as I stared up at the normal door. I took out a compact mirror, and fixed my make up and my golden curls so I appeared more seductive. I tucked the mirror away into my purse, fishing out a key card that I had received in secret from the bellman below. He's pretty cute, but he wasn't so much fun. It's such a shame when looks like that get wasted away by boredom.

I looked down to the key card in my hand before my phone began to jingle. I quickly responded with a bright smile," Hello? Novella speaking!~" A familiar voice - one that hid ice - replied," Hello Novella." I felt all joy leave my body, and my eyes narrowed. I kept my cheerful voice present despite my anger," Oh, hi Yukina! What's up?" Yukina's voice, though sophisticated, was calculating," I was wondering if you would be interested in getting ready for the performance with myself, Harumi, Haruhi, and a girl called Renge." I was quick to agree; anything to see my darling singer," That sounds like so much fun! Count me in!" Yukina quickly followed up with another question," Would you like to get some coffee with me? It's been so long since we've spoken one-on-one." I laughed gently, as if I was in regret," Oh, I'm sorry Yukina! But I'm actually running a few errands that I should've done before we went to the beach!" There was a moment of silence but Yukina spoke," Ah... That's too bad. Perhaps next time then." I nodded," Right! Next time! See you then!"

I didn't wait for her to bid farewell to me first. I growled, glaring down to my closed phone," ... Great. Now how am I supposed to relax quickly enough to get out of here?" I sighed, rolling my head a little and ruffling my hair so it had a bit more volume. I slid the key card into the door, and waited for the 'click' and the green light. I quickly opened the door, and found a tall stranger before the large window that looked out over the city. I smiled brightly," Oh Little Mouse!~"

Kyoya Ootori's POV

The day that the Host Club and the customers returned to the academy, everyone has been busy preparing for the upcoming ball. Just two more days until the revealing of Howaito Noizu, and just two short days until Harumi shows Kizami, and all of the higher-class, exactly what she's made of. But ever since we began the preparations, I've noticed that she's been... avoiding me. Since she saw Haruhi and I in that rather interesting predicament back in Okinawa, she had been, as she would've said," All work and no play." She only ever came to me if she had a question about the ball, or if she as delivering some updates before quickly departing from my presence. She's spent most of her time by Honey's side. It's rather curious. I watched as he would hold onto her hand and lead her away from everyone else to keep her with him. I observed their behavior, and found that certain something that i had fared for an odd reason coming to be. The martial arts master and the Loli-type of the Ouran Host Club was falling for Harumi, and she didn't even seem to care.

Harumi laughed as Honey handed her another white rose," We didn't need this many, you know!" Honey was quick to protest with an adorable pout," But Umi-chan's going to sing something wonderful! So we had to do something just as amazing!" The younger Fujioka smiled back, tying the rose to her microphone, holding it up by a black ribbon that trailed down the microphone stand, its ends trailing over the stage. "Hey, Harumi. Where do you want the amp?" Tamaki called out to her. I was surprised to hear that Harumi had asked Tamaki to help set up for the concert, and for some reason, it made my mood more foul. She approached him, standing by his side. She pointed over to a corner of the stage, close to where the audience would be," There's good." He nodded, and did as she instructed. She seemed to nod before smiling brightly as he began to work the cords and get everything working," You practiced! Great job!" He smiled with pride," I was just want to make sure that my beautiful daughter's performance goes without a hitch!" She giggled, giving him a quick hug," I really appreciate this. Thank you so much." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2019 ⏰

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