The Sixth Song: Broken Hearts Write The Best Songs

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Haruhi Fujioka's POV

I'm surprised that Kyoya managed to hold off on asking questions about Kizami for as long as he did. It's been almost a week since the article was leaked, and he's never taken so much time to look into something that's caught his interest. If one article was leaked out due to the panic of the group, I wonder if he found any other details about my sister's life? Or is it possible that he's taken so long to get to me because there's nothing else to be found? I couldn't help but wonder how Harumi would react if she found out that Kyoya was looking into her personal life. I'm used to it since his invasion of privacy is a practically daily occurrence, but if he's been looking into her, he's been rather quiet about it and Harumi hates secrets. Once you've earned her trust, you've got it for life. So going behind her back is a sure way to get yourself cut out of her life. Still, I couldn't help but not stop him; I've got questions too, you know. I've heard a little about Kizami: a crybaby with an obsession for edamame that wanted to marry my sister and had an amazing singing voice.  She didn't tell me if there was a true reason to his disappearance, and I can't tell if she just doesn't want to talk about it or genuinely doesn't know. My dad and I have been unsuccessful at getting through to her, but maybe Kyoya would find some answers.

Kyoya pulled me aside to talk in private, ensuring that the others were during their duties. "Do you know why I asked you to speak with me?" He fixed his glasses so there was a glare upon the glass. I nodded immediately and he was quick to ask," What do you know of Sakuraba Kizami?" I frowned at this and was honest," Not a lot. Only that he loved my sister and was the original vocalist for her Howaito Noizu. One day they were great and the next he was gone." He nodded, writing in his infamous black binder," How long has your sister been in the city?" I hummed in thought for a moment," Let me think... She actually left a few weeks after turning thirteen." Kyoya seemed baffled by this but he didn't let his emotions slip out too much," Why leave home so young?" I blinked, looking to my sister who was chatting with Tamaki," When mom died, it hit her pretty hard; she was always wandering around like she didn't know what to do for herself. She saw some random guy playing in the streets in the city, and that's all she's ever wanted to do so Dad told her she could go."  Kyoya dropped the subject, though it was obvious that he was making a note about it," So she met with Kizami shortly after arriving in the city; do you know how the two of them got involved?"

"Kind of rude that you'd go around my back and ask my sister, don't you think?"

Harumi Fujioka's POV

Although I already known that Kyoya was going to be snooping around, I pretended to be hurt and annoyed. The dark-haired senior simply stared at me from behind his glasses, but Haruhi was frowning and readying herself for anything I decided to throw at her. I knew that with Kizami's appearance Atsutomo wouldn't have been able to stop all of the paparazzi and rumors, and that it was only a matter of time until something popped up in his search for the truth; I'm sure he mentioned something to dad and was told that I would open up sooner or later. Not that the rich ever listen; you'd think that they would at least remember their manners. 

Before my sister could speak, I held a hand up to signal her to be quiet," If the cat's out of the bag, then it'd be better if it's out in the open." She tried to protest, but I shot her an empty stare that caused her to pause," I wanted to keep this between a select few, but it can't be helped now. Especially since I have a deal for the club." I looked to Kyoya from the corner of my eye, and saw that he was interested in what I had to say. Before he was able to ask for any more information, Honey came bouncing into the hallway. As he snatched my arm into a tight hug, he grinned," Neh, neh, Umi-chan! Everyone's waiting for your encore!" I pat the top of his head in gratitude as I turned on my heel, dramatically entering the abandoned third music room to greet my fans," You know what they say: the show must go on!"

Break Apart The Order [Kyoya Ootori]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें