Chapter 14

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I was in the study with Kaelon. My mind now filled with some productive thoughts as I looked over documents, rules and regulations, and law that was enforced in Orion.

Kaelon was starting to train me to fulfil my role as commander. The North tribe will become my responsibility once I got a handle on how things were run and prepare them for the threat of Reidon and his kind.

The electricity that softly sparkled the air was a constant reminder that my heat was starting, but since it was still in the very early stages, it didn't seem to have its full effects.

It was only when Kaelon entered my personal space that the urges would surface, but even then, they didn't last long.

Any sudden changes in the environment like a gush of wind would snap me out of it, but I knew as I moved into the later stages, nothing will be able to stop the urges.

"So where's the law that Alphas have to always sleep near their Commanders?" I teased, realising there was no such thing. Of course, I thought, how did I even fall for that?

Kaelon's eyes sparkled with humour as he flipped through an old book. "I haven't gotten the chance to write it down yet," he replied, voice full of cheekiness.

The door echoed with two knocks before Sascha poked her head in. Her eyes flickered between Kaelon and me before she spoke.

"Do you need any help Kaelon?" She asked with a honeyed naive tone. "Or should I come back later and help you?"

Pulling the reins I had on my wolf, I turned to Kaelon, waiting to see what he'll say.

"No," Kaelon replied, tone slightly icy. "That won't be necessary. I plan to spend the day teaching Commander Edrei about her new role."

Perking up, she walked into the room and peered down at the scattered open books that laid on the middle table. "Sounds interesting," she continued, standing next to Kaelon.

I pushed down the urge to roll my eyes at her attempt to act as if they were Alpha pair of Orion.

"Is there anything else you want?" Kaelon asked. He picked up the book in front of him and walked next to me, brushing my arm as he leaned in and placed it in front of me.

Sascha's face slightly dropped before bouncing back up. "Yes! I could really use some training sessions with you. How about we say tonight?"

"Get Zoron to train you."

A scowl appeared on her face as she crossed her arms. "You know Zoron doesn't like me that much."

"Edrik then," my mate replied, agitation slipping into his tone.

"What about Edrei?"

Kaelon's eyes turned to me, waiting for my response. My eyes were wide with surprise. Sascha walked towards me, taking my hands into hers.

"Oh please Edrei. It would be so great to train with such a strong and fearless warrior like you," she begged, voice mimicking a helpless woman.

"Okay," I slipped out before I fully registered my actions.

Sascha jumped up and down with glee, pulling me into a tight hug, pushing the air out of my chest. Wow, she's stronger than she looks.

"Great! I'll see you tonight then!" She replied with excitement oozing off her. She turned to leave, walking with a hop to her step.

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