the one with elvish healing

Start from the beginning

Thorin paused.


Giving a glance to Calad, he finally saw the similarities were too prominent to not be a coincidence. She was Arathelle's niece. This man was her nephew.

Her kin.

Somehow seeing those she had spoken of so highly before overwhelmed his senses, and he was unable to speak. The Dwarf King only nodded to them and looked to Oín with a knowing look; even though they were kin doesn't mean that she wasn't in any danger.

"She'll be fine, laddie," Oín reassured him. "Go wait with the others."

Thorin hadn't even realized that the others had escaped the chambers and was entirely too confused to be any good in this situation.

Seeming to sense his disarray, the elf maiden looked at him with a kind smile. "We will let you know when you can see her, Master Dwarf," she spoke. "And your healer is right." Her smile became more pronounced, drawing light toward her form like the Valar themselves. "She will be fine in time."

Thorin nodded, grateful for the reassurance, even if it came from an elf.

Just this time I'll take an elf's word.

The dwarf nodded to himself once more.

Just this time.


"It is nice to see you awake, Faradielle."

Thelle groaned. "I wish I could say it is nice to be awake, but I'm afraid I would be lying," she rasped, letting out a hiss as someone prodded at her wound. "How did I get here?"

Lord Elrond looked down at her with a small grin. "It seems that Thorin Oakenshield carried you here himself," he said. "He has said that you jumped in front of a warg to defend his nephew. Is that true?"

"How else would I let myself be shredded up like this?"

"Well, I thought you had gotten slow in your old age," another voice rang out, shocking Thelle immensely.


A man wearing the traditional outfit of the Northern Rangers stepped out of the shadows. Thelle wasn't surprised she hadn't seen him before; she had been the one to teach him how to make the darkness his ally.

"In the flesh," he spoke, kneeling at her bedside and reaching over to hold her hand tightly. "Calad and I were worried when you arrived looking like warg dinner."

Thelle choked out a laugh. "I was worried for a moment there as well," she admitted, looking down at her bandaged wounds with distaste. "How long am I going to be like this?"

Elrond gave her a fond smile. "Do not worry, I will only keep you on bed rest for another day. Then you can slowly get back to normal with time."

She only let out another groan, but this time it wasn't because of the pain from her wounds. "Thorin is going to kill me when he finds out," she said. "I think he will even use this as an opportunity to leave me behind."

"I do not believe that will be the case, Faradielle," Elrond reassured. "The runes that Thorin needs read are only able to be seen on one particular night, a night which is in a week's time."

Thelle smiled happily. "In that time, I'm sure I'll be fine with your help, Elrond." She paused, looking back down at her bandages with a heavy sigh. "Thank you, for healing me."

A quirky smile spread onto the Elf Lord's face. "It was not I who healed you."

Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Wait, then who-"

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