Mahck POV

Yes. You read correctly. I'm a virgin. And I'm damn proud.
As we got back to the table, everyone at the table was staring at me. I ignored all of them while Eleena just looked from them to me and laughed. I giggled as well with a small smirk on my face. Ty got out of the booth to let Eleena and I slide in to sit down. He then put his arm around my shoulder and leaned over. 

"Who is that?" he whispered in my ear.

I looked up at him and smiled and gave him a questioning look.
"Who is who?"

"You know who the fuck I'm talking about. Stop playing stupid Mahckenzzy." He said as he tightened his arm around my shoulders. 

I laughed since I could tell I was making him angry.                                                                                    "Move stupid. I don't know him. But I'm trying to." I laugh as I made googly eyes at him.

He laughed at me, "You think you grown talking to niggas huh?"

I shrugged my shoulders disregarding his question and smiling.

 "Do you want me to go talk to him for you? I could go plug you real quick?" he questioned me excitedly. 

I laughed and shook my head no. He grabbed my face with both hands and kissed my forehead. And pulled me into his chest for a hug. I hugged him back and continued to talk to everyone except the three. 

Anthony POV

I continued to stare as she interacted with that light skinned guy. Im pretty sure my face was turning red and horns were coming out of my head. Why was he touching her, kissing her, and looking at her that way. I was definitely jealous and she wasn't even mines yet. My friends would nudge me once in a while to grab my attention or to laugh at me. 

"Dude what the fuck are you looking at?" said Jonny.

I ignored him and continued to stare at the beautiful girl across the restaurant. 

Dj punched my arm and laughed. He looked at me then across the room to the girl. He smiled, "He's looking at the cute chubby girl that had a boyfriend already! he says loudly catching the attention of everyone at our table. 

"That's not her fucking boyfriend bitch!" I said to him.

"Aww shut the fuck up man you're better looking than all of them anyways just get the fuck up and go take her!"

I ignored him once again and continued to zone out while staring at her once in a while.

Mahck POV

Ronny continued to stare at me from across the table while I talked and ate. I ignored it for a while. Finally I looked up at him and gave him a 'what the fuck are you looking at' look. 

He finally spoke, "who the fuck is that and why was y'all eye fucking each other!"
I laughed at his question and continued to eat. He then slammed his fist on the table getting every bodies attention in the restaurant. I looked up at him and gave him the most evil look I could make. But still ignored him.
"You hear me fucking talking to you so you need to fucking answer me!" He yelled.
Before I could say anything Ty and Eleena was yelling over the table at Ronny and Diamond and Penny joined in to my defense as well. Jay came to Ronny's defense when Ty got up to fight Ronny. We were now all out of the booth and I'm in the middle trying to get everyone to calm down because we had the attention of everyone in the restaurant and I didn't want to get kicked out. The manager came to tell us to take it outside. We did as told. When we got outside Ronny continued to throw insults at me while Jay defended him. Ty was trying to get to Ronny but he was being held back by Kenny and Banks. And Ronny was being held back by KJ and Jay. All of a sudden Eleena lunges at Ronny and hit him in the face with her fist. Right after was Diamond fist to Ronny's face. Jay turned around as well as Ronny to retaliate so I jumped in and Penny did too. All four of us was beating the shit out of Ronny and Jay. Ty and Kenny had jumped in to defend us but soon they realized that we were winning so the boys pulled us off of them. Me and my girls still looked good after we beat their asses. We all finally walked back into Norms to finish our food. Ronny and Jay gave their money to KJ and left. The rest of us went back to eating. Everyone was staring at us but we didn't care. We started talking like nothing happened. I even started talking to my girls again after they apologized. We were all good. 

Anthony POV

Looking at the situation that unfolded in the restaurant, made me fucking livid! The way that bitch ass boy was talking to her had me getting out of my seat to go over there and beat his punk ass. Her whole table ended up going outside. I watched for a while until fists started being thrown then I hoped up and because I saw her fighting as well. I was suddenly pulled back down.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Dj asked me.

"Mind your fucking business bro! You see what the fuck is going on out there!"

"First of all it's too many of them and the police probably will be called. Plus you've got alcohol in your system and you're driving. Chill the fuck out. They got it anyways as you can see."

I looked back out there to see that they did indeed have it but I was still pissed.

Mahck POV

"Mahckycheese look" Said Eleena 

I looked up to see Hazel eyed God standing in front of us at our table. He looked at me and me only.
I looked fine. We all did. My hair was still neat and my clothes but I did have a little bruise and blood by my lip because it was busted. But we were all still intact and looking as fine as before.
I looked up at him with big light brown eyes. He searched my face to make sure of no more damage.
He smiled at me. 

"Are you ok? I was going to help but from the looks of it you were just fine."

I smiled back at him and nodded my head. 

"I'm fine thank you for asking and thanks to my friends. You know this was a team effort."
We all laughed. 

"Well I'm glad you're ok. But if I ever see that guy in the street I'm beating the shit out of him. Nobody should be fucking with someone as beautiful as you."

I blushed and hard too. "Thank you! I really appreciate it. And do me a favor please?"

"Yea sure what is it?"

"Record it when you beat his ass"                                                                                                                                  We all laugh again

"Sure thing beautiful. I'll see you around. " he winked before he walked off. 

I turned back to my plate not before looking around and seeing the table staring at me. I laugh at them and give them the finger and we all laugh and continue to eat.
When everyone was finished we went to pay our bill but mines was already paid for. I smiled and looked around but he was gone. After we all left we got dropped off to our cars and went home. We got home at about 5am and I took a long hot shower and threw on a big t-shirt and some underwear. And as soon as my head hit my pillow I was out like a light.

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