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"MAHCKENZZY!" I hear my mom yell from down stairs just as I open my Twitter app.
"YES MOM!" I yell back.
I wait a few seconds for her to respond but there isn't one so I get up to see what she wants. I see her in the kitchen making plates for me and my siblings and nephew. As we sit down and eat our food we aren't allowed to have phones at the dining table except for my mom and my eldest sister because they both have jobs and important phone calls coming through. I don't mind it honestly. I like to just eat and talk with my family. We talk about everything and rarely hide secrets from one another. My nephew on the other hand, he's five and doesn't like not having his tablet to watch movies while he eats. He's a sweetheart though.
"Mommy" I say, "Can I go out tonight with my friends?"
"Yea where are y'all going and who are you going with?" She replies back to me.
"I'm going with the fabulous 4 to a party and food" (the name we call our group only between us though, even though when we were in high school one of our teachers started calling us that so we just stuck with it).
"Ok make sure you be careful and bring your pepper spray and knife. Are you driving?"
"Yes ma'am!"
"Do you have gas and do you need money?"
"Yes I have gas and no I don't need any money momma. Thank you though."
"Ok have fun and call me when you get there I'll be at work so if I don't answer just text me. I love you!"
"Ok momma I'll try! I love you too!!"
I said as I ran up the stairs to go get in the shower and get dressed. I still had a few hours before I had to leave so I relaxed and scrolled through my social media. Though I wasn't a social media freak, I did like it. I didn't have to be on it everyday and every hour but when I did get on them they brung me entertainment.
Hopping on Facebook, I see a post of more than 100 comments of people arguing. I laugh and think to myself "Do I really want to read all of this? Do I even have the time?"
After I check the time I decide to skim through it. It was hilarious from what I read. They were arguing over a guy that gave them both STD's, cheated on them both, and got them pregnant. Then I guess the main girl literally typed "Well he knows where home is" I was legit in tears at that. I was really crying from laughing so hard. I decide I don't want to read anymore so I just scroll looking at pointless videos for a little while.
I finally decide I should get dressed and do my hair. After I put on deodorant, lotion, oil, and face moisturizers. I put on my PINK Black lace cheaksters and a matching lace black low cut bra. I put on a pair of mid thigh length light blue jean high waisted shorts that has rips going down the front and two rips in the back right under my butt cheeks. The top was a Corvette black white and mostly yellow cropped windbreaker jacket that was a pull over but still had a zipper in the front Incase I wanted to show some cleavage. My shoes were yellow and white checkered Vans. I put on my gold chain that had a 'M' on it with diamonds embedded in the M, my gold 24k bracelet that my dad gave me before he died and the one he bought for me for my birthday. I put on my gold double heart pinky ring my gold heart with a diamond embed cross in the middle ring, and my red birthstone heart shaped ring, then my gold anklet and my 24k gold hoops and my diamond earrings in my upper cartilage. I took out my silver nose ring and put in y 24k gold nose ring with a small diamond in it.  
I put my burgundy hair into a tight pony tail with train track braids and left my curly puffy hair out of the bun untouched. I also had two pieces of hair on either side of my face hanging down framing my face. I opened up my makeup box to my lip liners mascara and lip sticks and glosses. I settled on a glossy lip with brown lip liner for effect. I put mascara on and I was now ready. I grabbed my PINK Minnie Mouse fanny pack that my mom got custom made for me and my keys to my 2018 all red Dodge Charger and headed to my car. I was ready to go.

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