Three: The Distraction Club

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The postponed movie night was a blessing in disguise.

Getting ready wasn't hard. She picked out a black short sleeve shirt and jeans, a simple outfit, did her makeup, then made her way to Bells' room to let her know she was leaving.

Susanna told her that Belly was tired, so she hurried to talk to her before she fell asleep.

Calista swung the door open, "hey Bells-" she stopped halfway when her eyes fell onto the light pink spaghetti strapped dress Belly was wearing. She knew it was shorter than Belly's preferred length, so she figured it was  borrowed from Taylor.

Meeting her eyes, Belly looked like she had just been caught stealing. To show she wouldn't tell, Calista opened the door further to show what she was wearing.

The two girls laughed, looking at each other knowing they had the same idea.

"Beach Party?" Cali questioned smirking. She was slightly surprised.

Belly nodded looking more confident, "beach party."

Calista wasn't the only one who needed a distraction that night, Conrad Fisher joined her in that club unknowingly.

So he found himself with Nicole. He really liked Nicole, but he knew he liked a certain girl a bit more. Ok... maybe more than a bit.

Kissing her was a good distraction. Well, until the last person he thought he would see fell into the sand in front of him.

"Belly? Wha-" then he saw Calista. She was walking down the beach from where he assumed was her car. She was wearing a familiar black shirt with her hair down. He'd be lying if he said she looked bad.

Saying he was confused was an understatement. What happened to movie night? As Belly, Jeremiah, and Steven conversed about taking her home or not, his attention was on Cali as a random guy approached her.

Conrad slowly closed his eyes, convinced he was hallucinating. Why was he seeing her right now? Opening his eyes, she was still here. He watched as the guy put his arm around Cali, steering them away from the area.

"This shirt or... this one?" Calista held up two shirts in front of Conrad as he sat up from her bed to get a better look.

He insisted on helping her get ready. He didn't think he was trustworthy fashion wise, but Cali always listened to his opinion, so he found it fun. Plus he got to talk to her more.

His eyes jumped from one shirt to another, one was a short sleeve black cropped shirt and the other was darker green long sleeved one. Then he looked at Calista.

He decided to himself that she would look good in anything, but he remembered his mom talking about the weather, so he made his decision not wanting her to overheat.

"Black one." He finalized pointing to the one in her right hand.

"Ok good I was going to wear this anyway." She smiled.

Conrad raised his eyebrows as he watched her make her way to the bathroom, "why'd you ask then?"

"Why not?" She said before closing the door to the bathroom to change.

That made him laugh. He never wasn't laughing around her.

"What are you looking at?" Nicole asked noticing he was distracted.

"I gotta go."

Leaving the girl he was with, who let out a sound of protest that he didn't acknowledge, he beelined his way through the teenagers towards them. The smell of alcohol getting stronger as he made his way closer to a potentially bad decision.

"Calista's a pretty name." Conrad's eyebrows raised at the guy's words as he stepped behind her, he could tell it was a poor attempt of flirting.

Even I was better at this last summer He thought before deciding to add to the conversation. "She prefers Cali."

The girl in front of him turned around. He watched as her expression went from confusion to annoyance to anger. "The fuck Conrad?"

"What are you doing here?" He questioned, attempting to grab her arm, but she pulled away. The guy talking to her decided to dismiss himself, leaving them alone.

"You're acting like I can't be here," Calista stated, turning around to find someone else to talk to but Conrad stayed where he was.

"Cali I need to talk to you."

She didn't hesitate to shut that down, "no."


She faced him again, "we both know this will end up in an argument." He would've disagreed, but even when he wasn't sober, he knew she was right.

"Cali- shit, I'm sorry." His words weren't coming out how he wanted them to. He wanted to say a million things and that happened to be what came out.

"You're just drunk," Cali interrupted, She sighed turning her back to him, walking away.

He jogged to catch up with her, "Cali wait- fuck." He tripped in the sand. He saw her turn slightly, then kept walking.

"I know you're upset but can you at least help me? I think I did something to my foot." He called out louder, his words sobering up.

Her walking stopped. She took a deep breath throwing her head back, then made her way towards him.

Conrad tried his best to hide his smile, knowing she wouldn't help him if he didn't.

She helped him up, telling him that they should go to her car to see if she had anything to help his ankle.

The Distraction Club sat in silence.

After taping his ankle—which she thanked her first aid training for—they both sat in her car. Calista looked at the distant hue of the fire while Conrad did whatever, she wasn't looking at him to know.

He definitely had something to drink.

Calista hated how quiet it was. "What happened to smoking and drinking being stupid and athletes shouldn't put that shit in their bodies?"

He didn't respond, causing Calista to look at him for the first time in the car. He head leaned on the window as he stared into the dark.

"The least you can do is respond after I basically carried you here."

He faced her, making eye contact and that's when she noticed how his features had changed since the last time they were this close.

He was scanning her features as well. He noticed how her loose curls fell onto her shoulders instead of down her back like the last summer. "I like your hair." Conrad vocalized his thoughts. He mentally celebrated the fact that he got what he wanted to say out even if it was only four words.

Calista didn't talk thinking he said that only to change the subject. She made eye contact with him again, wondering what caused this change.

Flashing lights and a siren cut the club meeting short. Soon after teens were running around the car exiting the beach.

"Oh shi-"

The comments are hilarious keep it up lol. (Comments and votes help me update!!)

Qotc: do any of you play sports? and which one(s)?

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