Chapter 1: Family Massacre

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So much blood. I can't do anything. All I want to do is help. There before me is my mother, her lifeless body laying on the cold hard floor. Her blonde hair is now covered in her blood after her throat was slit. I screamed loudly hoping to get the attention of the authorities, or at least the neighbors.

"Shut up!" a loud booming voice said. I could hear the footsteps coming down the hallway. I closed my eyes hoping that the man who killed my mother wouldn't come back.

I felt somebody grip my face, I could smell the alcohol on his breath as he brought my face right up to his. My father, somebody I should have trusted.

Somebody, I should look up to, not fear.Before this, my family was perfect. I had the most amazing and sweetest mother in the whole entire world. She would do anything for her children.

She was a stay at home mom who hung out with my little brother Ashton.Ashton was only 4 at the time.

As I closed my eyes I could almost see our family sitting at the small picnic table at our nearby park, eating the sandwiches my mother made earlier that morning as she sang the songs that were on the radio.I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

And there stood before me, the horrible man who murdered my mother and my baby brother in cold blood. Being only 15, I didn't have much strength in me to try and escape, he had earlier beaten me after I tried to save my little brother from his demise.

My father is a liar. He always had been. Everything he has told us has been a lie. My whole life, I have looked up to my father hoping I could one day be like him. Someone so kind and honest, and willing to help anyone in need. But about 1 month ago, everything changed.

He started acting strange and drinking more than normal. He drank sometimes but, started drinking more than he usually did.He would sometimes come home hammered and then pass out drunk on the couch reeking of alcohol.

That was usually the best possible outcome of him getting drunk. If we were unlucky, he wouldn't be drunk enough to pass out, and he would usually come into our rooms and abuse us physically or even mentally.

I could never tell which one hurt more. It was just simple mean words every once and while, but it soon got worse as time progressed.After 2 weeks after the whole drinking issue, we found out he had been getting more than drunk. He had been buying drugs.

One day, a man about 20 years old, came to our house. He was dressed in pure black and a had a gun in his pocket. I remember my little brother opening the door and greeting him in his soft cute voice.

I remember the voice of this man, it was cold and hoarse. He was very tall and has pitch black hair. My mother invited him inside and brought him into the kitchen.

He asked to speak to my mother alone so as the good kids we were, Ashton and I listened in from the hallway to hear what they were saying. I ended up telling Ashton to go and play since my mother and the man were talking about the most horrible things.The man's name was Alexander. He was a drug lord.

Probably the most famous in the country. He had come looking for my father.It seemed as if my father owed him thousands of dollars and Alexander had come looking for it.

I remember hearing Alexander telling my mother that she should deliver the message to my father and that if he didn't have the money in 3 days, there would be hell to pay.After that, I never saw him again. And I had hoped not to. "let me go" I whimpered out I instantly regretted opening my mouth when he slapped me so hard I now had a scratch on my face.

I laid against the cold hard ground and tried to curl up the best I could, which was extremely difficult since my hands were tied up."You fucking runt. I should have killed you along with your mother and brother!" he yelled loudly.

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