One: "Family" Reunion

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"FAMILY" REUNION———————————————where two teens play the silent treatment

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where two teens play the silent treatment

a/n: commenting and voting helps me update and I love reading them, so pls don't be a ghost reader!!

Calista Rubio loved Cousins Beach.

Ever since she was young, the Rubios, Fishers, and the Conklins made sure they visited together every summer they could.

It even got to a point where Belly and Cali were convinced they were cousins, hence the name. When they figured out they weren't actually blood related, they still stuck with it; describing their relationship as "cousins" when anyone would ask.

A little too excited for the annual trip, Calista convinced her parents to drive to one of her favorite places, earlier than they usually did.

To Cali, it seemed like a good idea before they left, but once they were on the road, she had lots of time to think. Once that time ended and they pulled into the driveway, she concluded that it was a horrible idea.

Susannah was the first to notice their arrival. "Look who's here boys, come say hi!"

Susannah was one of the most caring people Calista has met. She couldn't count all of the times the woman has done something for her.

"Come here!" Susannah exclaimed pulling Cali into a hug. "We have a lot to catch up on." She said winking.

"Please never do that again." Calista said covering her eyes playfully.

"Oh this?" The woman continued to wink, causing Cali to cover her eyes once again.

"Mom stop torturing Cali."

Susanna moved out the way, and Jeremiah came into view. "Long time no see." He said as he walked towards her with his arms out.

She accepted the hug, "you've gotten taller." It was true, every time she would visit for another summer he would grow.

He pulled away smiling. "I think you just got shorter."

"Just for that." She pointed at him, "you get to carry my suitcases in."

"I always end up carrying them in anyway, Conrad come here!"

Everyone but Calista turned to see who opened the door.

"What's going on?" She heard the more than familiar voice of Conrad Fisher. Calista looked up, and was met with a boy who looked like he just woke up from a nap. "Oh."

"Look who's here!" Susanna said motioning for her oldest to greet the Rubios.

He made his way down the driveway, walking straight past Calista, and hugged her mother. "Nice to see you Mrs. Rubio."

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