you're sleeping here?

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there'se like 1700 words and wth how did i not update this for months it's so much fun to write. slight mention of penis presence, a lot of cursing.

Alex, still holding your hand, led you up some stairs, up to a big fancy building. his hand was cold and you suddenly got uncomfortably aware of how gross you were. you were in need of a shower, a toothbrush, a good night's sleep, and probably some cleaner clothes. he pulled you into the elevator where he released the grip on your hand and turned to you, softly smiling.

"i was really scared you wouldn't show up."

"i'm so sorry, i fell asleep and then i thought i could shower, but-"

"no, like, i really wanted to see you. like you're-" alex interupted himself, looking away shyly. you kind of wanted to ask him what he was going to say but a loud "ding" and the opening of the elevator doors had you focusing on what you were actually doing again. alex walked down the modern, carpeted hallway, numbered, black, matte, metal doors to apartments on one side and some high-class, designer light installment running all the way down the other.

as alex reached the number he was appearently living in he stopped and turned to you.

"it's, ehm. it's a bit messy but only like, the kitchen and hallway." your apartment currently looking like a crime scene, you didn't judge to hard as he led you into the (huge) apartment, windows stretched from the floor to the ceiling, long, white curtains, the floor covered in all kinds of trash. behind the couch there was a pink screen set up.

"woah shit" you blurted out and emmidiately blush.

"eheh yeah me and george kinda suck at cleaning"

"no it's just, this is really nice."

"oh" you felt kinda' guilty making alex uncomfortable like that. while you both took off your drenched shoes and socks he gave you an awkward but reassuring smile.

he led you into what you recognized as his bedroom and from a drawer he carefully picked out two black hoodies, a pair of sweatpants and some socks. you were still shaking from the cold and so was he but still you somehow didn't realize the hoodie was for you until alex threw it onto your lap. you looked up on him in surprise but he was already in the middle of removing his shirt. you blushed and couldn't help but think he was gorgeous. that didn't help you feeling less gross though.

"alex... i haven't showered in days. that's gross. i should go home and change and we can meet tomorrow. i haven't brushed my teeth i-"

"calm down you can shower here." alex paused and looked up at you, probably as startled by the bluntness of what he just said as you were. "i mean... if you feel comfortable doing that. maybe i'm being wei-"

"it's ok" you smile at him and you both simultaneously blush.

"wanna borrow some pants too?" he nods down at your awkwardly wet jeans and you laugh uncomfortably as you realize the shape of your skinny, lanky legs was outlined perfectly. so was your butt and crotch but you didn't want to read into alex's comment like that.

"are you just selling me your entire merch line right now?" you laugh as he pulls out another pair of pants.

"maybe. i need someone else but me to model for once." smiling at you he hands you the clothes. he got pretty close to your face that time and you could feel your heartbeat rising as you made eye contact for what felt like an eternity.

he walked past you, into the en-suite bathroom.

"use anything you want. i won't." he shrugged and smiled as he backed out, jokingly bowing to you as he closed the door.

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