You're in my seat

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1033 words, 100% clean except for a few cuss words here and there. pretty shitty but fun to write.

your pov

It was tuesday. That meant scream day. Ever since you moved to london you have these "scream sessions" weekly. Outside your apartment complex there is a railway and next to that railway there is a bench. you'll sit on that bench and every time a train goes by: scream your anxieties, agressions and pains out. Usually you'd get down there around 11pm and be home at around 2 am. it was quite nice, the chilly london air, being alone and just kinda releasing.

You walked down the gravel path towards the broke down bench. Suddenly though, you stopped dead in your tracks. in your place, a small boy was sat. You could see his features clearly. His hair hidden in a white beanie, his big eyes shiny, and lit up by his phone. his legs drawn up against his stomach. the scene was pretty and aesthetic but you were soon back from your little "spacing out" and, a little bit annoyed, you started walking back home. Then you stopped again. this might be one of your few chances to make new friends and not have to be alone for another month or so. a boy roughly your age, in a pretty lonely place that you, up until now, thought nobody else knew about. your anxiety level was rising with every step, but you made it all the way to the bench, now standing in front of the boy. he looked up at you and his blue eyes caught you right off gaurd.

"you're in my seat, mate"

you regretted right after the words exited your mouth how agressive you'd sounded. You realized this was pretty contradictive since you yourself was quite, well, petite. okay you were tiny. none of you two were the "lad" looking kinda guy, both obviously insecure and lanky. but the boy looked up at you with scared eyes, he stuttered for a second until you interrupted him.

"shit sorry, i don't really know what i'm doing. can i sit?" you gestured to the seat next to him and sat down as he gave you an anxious smile and a nod. you sat quiet for a while, not sure what your next move would be. he looked up at you again and you realized you had been staring as he quickly looked down and then out at the tracks.

"look are you a fan or something? cuz i'm not really in the mood. sorry. kinda having a... um... unofficial moment?" he gave you a sad smile and looked back down at his lap. You were completely cought off gaurd. A fan? what? was he famous or something? maybe you shouldn't have done this after all. you should have just stuck to your present circle of friends like a normal fucking person. you must have looked completely dumbfounded because the boy looked up at you insecurely once again.

"sorry it's nothing. oh god, i must be coming across as a total cockhead eh?" you snapped out of your small internal breakdown and smiled at him before staring down at your own feet.

"what? oh god no it's okay. i mean, i'm the one who just kinda invaded you like... eheh, yeah." he chuckled a bit and looked back at you.

"to be honest i don't mind a bit of company, and if i am in your seat it's kinda my fault innit?" you were a bit lost. he was looking at you with those sad puppy eyes and you just didn't know what you were doing.

Just then a train passes. you jump from the exessive noise and you can feel yourself blush. The boy is still looking at you curiously.

"what are you even doing here? i mean, you come here often?" You chuckle and look down.

"I'm afraid telling you might fry any chance i had of you talking to me to be honest."

"no tell me!" The boy sat up straight with a curious smile on his face.

"fine... i came to... i actually come here every week to... to scream ok?"

The boy looked confused. then smiled again.

"scream?" he giggled in disbelief.

"yes it's weird ok? but it's kinda nice, like... you can scream however loud you want no one will hear you over the trains!... oh shit that sounded kinda serial killer-ish didn't it" You felt yourself blush again as the boy laughed.

"i'd be up to try that honestly. might need it."

"serial killing?"

"pff jesus christ no! screaming"

you breathed in relief out and laughed a bit. The boy just smiled at you again. as you both turned silent you were suddenly painfully reminded of what was actually happening here. You had just sat down next to a random stranger, made a serial killer joke, told him about one of your most fucked up habits and your extremely awkward ass now had no idea how to progress. to be fair the stranger next to you had done most of those things too.

"so um... what's your name?" you kept your eyes fixated on your hands in your lap.

"Alex, i'm Alex. What about you then?"


"that's nice"

silence fell again. as you could hear the next train come closer a burst of confidence came over you and you smiled at Alex.

"so, Alex, you really wanna try?" He nodded and you gestured for him to stand up. you both walked closer to the wire fence separating you from the tracks. you stood facing him. you felt your heartbeat rising as the noise grew louder and louder. just as the front of the train pass you, you let out a big scream. it's loud and a bit too high, but you don't care. Alex is still quiet though. he seems a bit surprised at your loud scream. you gesture for him to join you and count to three on your fingers. this time Alex joins you. you just stand there, you and Alex, stiff and screaming your hearts out.

as soon as the train has passed you go completely numb and limp. you fall right back down onto the bench, letting out a big sigh. alex plops down next to you. he looks at you smiling. you smile back. he starts laughing and soon both of you are pretty much bending over laughing.

to abreact had never been this fun before.

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