I miss you.

112 3 0

like 670 words i think. a few cusses but pretty clean compared to what you'll usually find here lol.

damn. it had only been five days since you had met alex. you had messaged each other frequently, talked a bit over discord and even talked about seeing each other in a non-bench setting. but so far the only planned meeting you had was in two days. you had been getting more and more excited every day, and though, looking back, five days went by in a flash, two days seemed like an eternity. your work was piling up after opening commissions again, you missed your roommates more than ever and so your mental health was pretty much back to the usual (shit). 

checking if any of your roommates had time to talk to you just made things worse, as the answer from every one of them was a no. you plopped down on your bed and scrolled through your orders to se if anything inspired you particularly. nothing. suddenly a low grumbling noise broke the silence. it was your stomach. not much of a surprise seeing as you pretty much hadn't eaten since yesterday's lunch and it was currently 5 pm. being an artist didn't exactly pay great, you didn't have anything in your kitchen except for empty pizza boxes, you had no energy to cook or buy groceries so your only option was take-out. again. things really seems shit innit?? you threw your phone across the bed and pulled the cover over you. 

you woke up from your phone buzzing like crazy. your stomach ached, your mouth tasted like absolute garbage, you felt like absolute garbage, and the bright numbers on the screen showed 4:00am. shit. 

messages: 14 new notices

6:22pm: Alex: eyyy 

u up?

dudeeeee oped discooord

ok fine nm

2:20am: (roommate no.1's name): hey i can talk if you rly need to??

ok guess u sleepin or smth


4:00am: (rm no.2) dduuuddeee u up??




dude i know u don't sleep whaddaya workin or smth?????????



you got out of bed, not wanting to call them in this current grumpy stage you drank some water and tried to cheer up. (rm2/p) picked up almost immediately as you called.

"omg finally dude what happened you seemed so desperate to talk before???" just hearing their voice made you incredibly happy and sad at the same time.

"i don't know!! i fell asleep everything's chaos- and-" obviously hearing how distressed you were (rm2) interrupted:

"hey don't worry hun just talk to me? how's it at home? you meet any new friends yet?" catching your breath you swiftly recap what's been going on and how you've been. they then tell you about their "absolutely fabulous" trip to greece and how they met this extremely cute guy but didn't even get his name. your takeout arrived, you ate and the conversation spun on.

"oh and alex is so cool, he and his friends are youtubers, it's a little weird but i still barely know him so i don't judge" (rm2) seemed shocked and almost screamed through the phone:

"OMG THEY FAMOUS????" chuckling you told her about him and will, james, george and fraser. appearantly she'd seen him in some video at the "XO" channel and was a huge fan of some guy called Cam. 

"please don't tell anyone?? you're the only one i'm comfortable with talking bout these things and you know that so-"

"hey you trust me for a reason right?"

"yeah just... just don't tell anyone. i miss you by the way."

you kept talking to them until 6:45am. your ruined sleep schedule didn't get you down, in fact you felt great after having talked to (rm2). you really did love them a whole lot. with a sudden burst of creativity you decided to get some work done, guess you got carried away as you managed to get 7 small and 2 bigger pieces finished, snacking on some leftover takeout and not stopping until your phone vibrated again with a third message from alex.

@imallexx YYY U IGNORE ME Y/N???

@imallexx hey u ok?

@imallexx dooooood cmon answer fr

9:05 damn, you should probably get out. a fourth message


sorry this is a bit short but it's something at least?? right?? i'm a bit uninspired but it's fun to write so sorry if it's getting worse. also thx for reading!!!! OMG 100 readsssss i'm deeeeaaaddd

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