Same place, same time?

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"soo...?" you waited for an answer still. Alex turned away nervously and chuckled.

"i just... i... i had this fight with my roommate- it was stupid! but i said something pretty bad and... idk he left the house like an hour ago and still won't answer my texts." Alex turned back so he was facing you again. you didn't know what to say. he said he didn't want advice yet his eyes searched for something. instinctively your thought immediately went to the darkest places. you knew after countless times having ran away somewhere without telling people how scared your friends can get. 30% of the messages you get are probably stuff like "don't do anything stupid, you have so much to live for" or "please don't kill yourself we love you!!".  it was a depressing thought so you dismissed it, looked up at alex and asked:

"well is he ok? like does he do stuff like this or can he actually be in danger?" 

"no he... he's probably just out drinking or at a friends flat... he's not stupid  just easily pissed" clearly still mad after the fight alex kinda spit that last part out and slightly rolled his eyes. you felt relieved. You and alex kept talking about god knows what that night. you can't really remember any specific conversation but you do remember laughing, a lot, and talking about deep shit super easily. you were comfortable. at about 2:20 am alex got a call.

"...yeah? .... is he still pissed .... okay thanks .... nah mate tell him i'm sorry .... okay bye." you waited in anticipasion for alex to explain.

"he's okay. he's sleeping at a mate's tonight. says he's sorry too and all that. so... i guess that means i can go home now." nodding slowly you simply let out a sigh in response.

suddenly you realized you had completely forgotten that you still had work left. four pieces that had to be done tomorrow. you jumped off the bench and alex looked schocked up at you.

"fuck! sorry i forgot i have work still!! um... hey how about this, see you next week, same place same time??" 

"um... okay but-" you cut alex off, already half-running towards your apartment complex:

"sorry, bye!"


it took about two hours to fininsh your work. you were actually quite happy about it, for the first time in weeks something more than just money drove you. you were actually inspired.

you weren't quite ready to go to bed yet, so you decided to watch one of alex's youtube videos. maybe not the funniest thing you had seen, but it had a certaint charm to it. soon enough you found yourself doodling his face, so you decided to actually do a proper piece. video after video you kept drawing and soon it was finished. it wasn't the most complex drawing you've done, but it turned out pretty nice. you looked at the time. 5am. oof. so much for not having a fucked sleep schedule. you brushed your teeth and dozed off.


the next morning, or noon i suppose, you have cereal and check your orders again. things were actually going pretty well, if you raise the prices next time you open commissions you might actually be able to quit your day job. something was different today. since your roommates left you'd been so down and unmotivated (depressed if that's the narrative your going with U3U) but today you had a bit of energy. things didn't seem too hopeless. wow psychiatrists are right, surrounding yourself with good people really does help. too bad you'll probably be alone for another week first.

then you remembered! the drawing! would he care or even see if you tag him in it? would it be weird to make "fanart" (if you can even call it that) when you just met yesterday? you were ripped out of your trans as you phone suddenly vibrated. multiple times. 

"@imallexx is now following you"

"@imallexx likes your post"

"@imallexx wants to send you a message"

you couldn't help but smile to yourself. but soon enough that social anxiety crept up on you again. 

is it weird if i answer right away? will i seem desperate? is it rude not to? will i seem weird if i follow him back? will i seem rude if i don't? 

still feeling a little uneasy you opened the message. it made you laugh and soon the anxiety wore off.

@imallexx: guess your whole mysterious "same place same time" didn't really work out seeing as i have your @?

@imallexx: oh yeah also hi.

bench buddies? imallexx x reader (new acc)Where stories live. Discover now