Minus the dating?

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1203 words, nothing bad, no cusses even. maybe a bit stupid... i'm sick and stupid rn...

"I'll admit that felt pretty good" Alex looked down at his hands. you were both still grinning.

"told you" you smiled up at the sky. usually this just kinda calms you down, never makes you this happy. you both went silent again. it was a bit awkward but you were used to that. 

"so..." you started, trying to think of something to say. smalltalk wasn't exactly something you were good at. alex chuckled a bit but his smile then faded.

"sorry if i ruined your... scream-thing..." you were schocked at this. what did he mean?

"what?" you laughed insecurely. alex was clearly just as socially anxious as you, and as much as this awkward silence was painful, it was kinda nice. alex just shook his head and chuckled.

"Alex. look. this was more fun than it has ever been before! and... well if i'm being honest i'm kinda looking for a friend. i mean i chose to sit down next to you. i'm still... i don't know." you tried to smile but it probably came off extremely fake. but alex smiled.

"you want to be friends? we barely know each other?" he said it kinda teasingly but he smiled nicely.

"eheh yeah i guess... for all i know you might actually be a serial killer?" you teased back and alex laughed a bit. 

"should we... get to know each other?" alex was so insecure it was a little bit cute.

"like speed-dating?" you blurted out. you were a lot more comfortable now that alex had pretty much picked up on your offer. he chuckled and smiled a bit.

"right. minus the dating" oof. were you just friend zoned without even flirting?

"why? you taken?" you smiled curiously at the blushing boy.

"no i just... you said friends so... I DON'T EVEN KNOW YOU!!" the boy said at the top of his voice. you laughed. even though you felt a little guilty for teasing him, alex was really cute flustered. he rolled his eyes at you and you giggled slightly. it didn't take long for you to realize that alex wasn't gonna be the one to start asking so you went for it.

"so tell me about you, are you bald under that hat?" you laughed and alex seemed annoyed. he actually got you scared for a second but soon he removed his beanie to reveal a full head of hair. he laughed it off (lol not the hair, the situation) and quickly put his beanie on again. you put on a serious face and waited for him to start talking. he started with a long sigh.

"sooo, my name's alan, i live around here with a few mates, iii.... ummmm... i don't know. what do you want to know?" curious and eager to know more you blurted out:

"what do you do for a living?" smalltalk really wasn't your strong suit, but you knew which questions to ask before getting into the real shit.

"eheh iii..."

"are you actually a serial killer??" you pretended to be shocked and giggled.

"no! no... i do youtube. i don't know it's stupid..." alex looked down at his hands again.

"oh... no! not at all it's awesome! you big? like, is it fun?" your heart rate picked up as you realized you had no idea who he was and he might actually be famous.

"yeah pretty big. it's fun and all but i'd really rather not talk about that right now. what about you? tell me about you!" he smiled incouraging. you felt stupid. like you weren't cool at all compared to him.

"eheh i, yeah, i'm trying to live off of my art but i have a day job at a cafe around here." feeling really lame next to alex you tried to change the subject, but alex actually seemed a little intriuged.

"you do art?"

"I DRAW SOMETIMES BUT IT'S STUPID OKAY??" you weren't screaming, just slurring on your words nervously. it was your turn to get embarassed now. alex got quiet. you still had no idea who he was, how big he was, what he did on his channel, not even the channel name. it was making you feel uneasy, and you were now spiraling down into overthinking every move you'd made so far. you felt alex put a hand on your shoulder.

"i think it's cool. wanna show me?" was that a bit narcisistic or was it just you? like you wanted to show him  specificly. a bit to sassy you replied:

"you wanna show me your channel?" he looked down again and removed his hand from your back. you felt a bit guilty reading into things so much.

"i mean... i just... would you really want to see it? i felt like such a arse already, showing you my youtube channel didn't exactly seem like a great move." understandable. you thought.

"yeah sorry. i'd love to see it though. i'll show you my arrrtttt....??" you teased.

"fine" he grumbled through his teeth and pulled out his phone. you did the same.

"imallexx. that's the channel." he said, obviously insecure. you smiled. was this really a good idea?

"poodle-jam." you said, staring at your lap, your face turning red. alex chuckled a bit. "i know it's stupid!! but i made the blog when i was drunk and just couldn't come up with anything better!" you said flustered.

pulling up alex's channel you immidiately noticed the number of subs. a BIG number. wow. he explained he did commentary, he lived with two other youtubers, George and Fraser. you laughed at some weird thumbnails and he explained he did two podcasts with some of his mates. he was still uncomfortable but he actually seemed to be softening up.

soon you moved on to your art blog. you immediately blushed. alex seemed to like it though, that made you both happy and nervous. after talking and explaining it a bit, you put your phone down and sighed. still blushing.

"what was the point of that again?" you chuckled nervously. alex had a weird grin on his face.

"i don't know but it was kinda fun?"

"yeah sure." you definitely knew him better now, so you decided to ask what had really been on your mind all this time. you took a deep breath and smiled.

"so what is it?"

"what?" alex looked confused.

"when i came, i couldn't help but notice you seemed kinda... upset? and then you screamed, sure i asked you to but... but about what?"

his smile faded and his whole face seemed to crinkle up. 

"when did this turn into a therapy session?"

"it's not! i just wanted to help sorry" you said in your own defense. alex's face went back to a sad smile and he shifted a bit in his seat.

"no sorry it's ok. you sure you wanna know?"

"yeah. and i swear i won't tell. now spill the tea"

"are you sure you haven't seen my channel?" he chuckled nervously.

"i swear mate, had no idea who you were. still don't to be fair"

"ok fine i'll tell you. but i don't want advice ok?" you nod and turn so you're facing him. he takes a deep breath in and looks you dead in the eyes.

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