Chapter Twenty-Two

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Mitch POV

"How about some food?" Scott asked, gettting to his feet. "I'll get you anything you want. I know you must be starving."

I shrugged, "No, not really."

He gave me a strange look. "Please eat something. It's been like three days since you've had an actual meal."

I nodded, trying to appease him. "Okay, anything's fine."

"I could call Kirstie and ask her to bring us something if you'd rather me stay here with you," he offered.

"No," I answered immediately. "I don't want to have to explain to anyone why I'm here."

Scott nodded. His blue eyes looked so much older than they had just two days ago. I knew it was due to all the stress I'd caused him.

He leaned down and slowly kissed my forehead. "I'll be back in a few minutes, I promise."

I nodded and watched as he walked out of the room. The atmosphere instantly felt colder when he wasn't there. I tried to snuggle the thin hospital blanket closer around me, but the pain every time I moved made it extremely difficult to do so. Eventually, I just succumbed to the cold and tried not to focus on it.

My door opened slightly and I assumed it was one of the nurses doing their hourly visit because it was much too soon for Scott to be back. I glanced at the doorway, my fingers digging into the bed when I saw Trevor standing there.

Scott POV

I was just leaving Burger King when my cellphone rang. I saw it wasn't a number I recognized, but I answered it anyways.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Is this Scott?" A woman asked.

"Yes," I answered skeptically.

"It's Jeanine Evans," she said, her voice distressed.

I recognized her name. She was the social worker from the hospital.

"There's been an incident," she said gravely. "You may want to come down here right away."

The bag of food I was holding slipped out of my hand as I sprinted back in the direction of the hospital. Thankfully, I hadn't gone far. I arrived within minutes. Jeanine was waiting at the front entrance, her eyes wide with panic. I noticed an abundance of police officers scattered about the building.

"What's going on?" I asked, my mind racing.

She put her hand on my arm soothingly, "Trevor showed up." She explained.

"What?!" I asked, enraged.

"He used a fake ID to get past security. Don't worry, though, he's in police custody now," she explained.

"Did Mitch see him?" I asked, worried that seeing Trevor may have given him another panic attack or something.

She hesitated, her eyes showing she was hiding something.

"What?" I asked as she stared at me.

"The hospital staff thought he was just a normal visitor so he had no probem walking straight into Mitch's room," her voice was quiet.

My mind threatened to explode. "What did he do to him?!" I screamed.

She put her hands on my chest, trying to calm me down, "No one is really sure. Doctors heard screaming coming from Mitch's room so security rushed in and arrested Trevor on the spot. Mitch was in so much pain that the doctors were afraid he would go back in to cardiac arrest and they were forced to use heavy sedatives to calm him. He's asleep now."

"Is he okay?" I asked, my body trembling.

She shrugged, "Physically, he has no new injuries that the doctors could find."

"Can I see him?" I asked.

She shook her head, "The police want to speak with you each seperately first. They're waiting for Mitch to wake up, but they'd like to speak with you now if you'll follow me."

She began walking down a hallway, the one opposite Mitch's. I glanced at the doorway to his hallway, weighing the chances that I'd get caught if I tried to go see him. I came to my senses, though, and followed Jeanine. She dropped me off at what looked like the hospital's security office and I cautiously opened the door.

Two police officers were standing inside, along with a man wearing a collared shirt and khakis. They all looked when I walked in, but only the man in khakis offered his hand to me.

"Hi, I'm Agent Royce. You must be Scott Hoying," he introduced.

I nodded, sitting down in the chair he offered me that was across from his desk.

"We just need a quick statement from you and Mitch about what happened with Trevor," he said, "but first I need to ask you a few questions."

I nodded again, too nervous to speak.

"What is your relationship to the victim?" he asked, his hands roaming the keyboard on his computer, ready to type my answer.

I cleared my throat, a unpleasant feeling rising in my stomach at the word victim. "He's my boyfriend."

Agent Royce moved through the questions with ease, typing a brief summary of my answer for each of them. For the last part, my statement, I had to write it instead. It was easier that way. I wasn't sure I'd be able to get through it if I had to talk about it.

The entire time I was writing, my mind was locked on Mitch. I wondered if he was having a hard time with this like I was, or if he was even awake yet. I finished writing and signed my name at the bottom before giving my statement to Agent Royce. He allowed me to leave and I navigated the halls until I'd found Mitch's room.

There was a security guard posted outside his door, but he must have recognized me because I walked right in. Mitch was awake.

He had a bowl of gross looking mac & cheese in front of him and he was sipping on a glass of water. He looked up at me, his eyes tired, but he smiled. I couldn't help myself from smiling back.

"That was more than a few minutes," he teased.

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