Chapter Eighteen

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Sorry this chapter is so short :/ the next few chapters are going to be mainly told in flashbacks, though, so that you can see what went on between Mitch and Trevor before all of this. Please give me any advice or feedback in the comments and thanks so much for reading it! :)

Mitch POV

"Get off of me," I whispered, my weak voice as menacing as I could manage.

Trevor laughed, his large body straddled over me, the knife gleaming in his hand.

He said my name, but it confused me because it wasn't said with the usual malice that accompanied his tone. It was soft, almost caring.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"Wake up," he said.

I shot up, pain coursing through me as I panted in the darkness.

"Shh," came a whisper.

I looked over and saw Scott, his eyes wide with worry, his gentle hands on my chest trying to make me lie back down.

"What happened?" I asked, lying back down slowly.

"It was just a dream," he said softly. Something more seemed to be troubling him.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

He hesitated, "Um, I have to tell you something, but you have to stay calm when I do."

I nodded.

"You went into cardiac arrest earlier," he whispered, his soft voice pained. "You were having a nightmare and it stressed you out so bad that it messed with the blood flow to your heart. The doctors want to put you into a medically induced coma while you finish healing because any extra stress while you're healing can kill you," I saw sadness in his eyes as he reiterated the doctor's explanation. "Because there's so little blood in your body right now, your heart is already straining to pump blood in and out." His eyes looked tired. "If you don't think you'll be able to stay relatively calm for the next few weeks, I think you should let them put you in a coma."

My heart raced as I attempted to calm it. "No," I answered. "I can't miss the next few weeks of my life."

I thought of my friends, my parents, and most importantly, Scott, and how I'd be missing out on the next few weeks of all of their lives.

"Think about it," he whispered.

I shook my head vigorously. "Absolutely not."

"They wanted me to make the decision before you even woke up, but I couldn't just decide something so monumental on your behalf."

"Do you think I should let them do it? " I asked. His opinion was the most important to me, that's why I was somewhat afraid that he would say 'yes'.

He shook his head immediately, much to my relief. "Of course I don't want that," he started, "but if it's the only way to keep you healthy then I have to think about it."

I looked at the wall for a minute, trying to calm my thoughts. "I understand the risk," I stated. "But I just can't do it."

He nodded. "Okay, then no one's going to make you. Just please, for both our sakes, try to just stay calm and rest."

I nodded. "I will," I assured. "But, how can I help it if I have another nightmare? I mean, I can't exactly control what pops into my head while I'm asleep."

"I talked to a psychologist about that while you were asleep. She said that the best way to help you would just be to talk about whatever's bothering you, whether that be with me or with her," his blue eyes were big with concern.

"Well, I think you can probably guess what I've been having nightmares about," I said, looking down at my hands.

I watched him nod slightly out of the corner of my eye.

"And since I'm given the option, I'd rather not talk to a shrink. I'm not crazy."

He seemed understanding. "Okay, I was actually hoping you'd want it that way."

I breathed in deeply. "So, where should I begin?"

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