Chapter Six

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Mitch POV

I felt like I was waking up after sleeping for three days straight, but that couldn't be right. Where was I? I opened my eyes but all I could see was brightness. And then came the pain in my head. It was so severe I felt like crying. I tried to reach my hand up to rub my forehead, but something stopped it. It felt like my arm was connected to something.

Why couldn't I remember anything?

"Mitch?" I heard a distorted voice ask.

I hummed incoherently as I tried to make the pounding in my head stop. "Turn off the lights." I murmured.

"They aren't on." Scott answered.

Scott? I opened my eyes wide and tried to sit up quickly, but that just intensified my headache.

"Shh." He whispered. "Just lie back and relax."

I moaned quietly. "Where am I?"

"A hospital." He said quietly. Finally his face began to come into focus. It looked like he'd been crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked, reaching up to stroke his face gently with my hand.

He caught my hand in his as it slid down his face and held it lightly. He closed his eyes. He looked so upset. Why was he so sad?

"Do you remember anything from last night?" He questioned.

I started shaking my head, but right as I answered, last night came back to me in a flash. Trevor. Scott. Vodka.

"Why are we in a hospital?" I asked, knowing the answer.

He sighed, depressed. "You drank an entire bottle of vodka while I was at the store. You nearly died from alcohol poisoning, Mitch." His voice was serious.

"Did you get the milk?" I asked, smiling.

Even my lame joke didn't make him smile. His face was completely humorless. My head pounded furiously, and I winced.

"Can I get something for this goddamn headache?" I groaned.

Scott stood up. "I'll go ask the nurse."

The nurse came back in, Scott following close behind her. "Hey, honey, how are you feeling today?" She asked politely.

"Thirsty." I answered immediately. "And I have a really bad headache."

She nodded and went to the corner of the room where a water tank stood. She filled up a small plastic cup and then brought it back to me. I sipped it slowly. Next she unlocked a cabinet above my bed and took out what I assumed was ibuprofen (or something close) and handed me two of them. 

I put the pills in my mouth and then finished off the rest of the water swallowing them. I handed the cup back to her and she was about to fill it up again, but Scott stopped her.

"I got it." He said quietly, taking the cup from her.

"Thank you." She smiled. She turned back to me, "Alright sweetheart, your friend and I are going to finish filling out your paperwork and then you should be good to go home, okay? Just make sure to drink lots and lots of water and be careful to stay away from alcohol for a while."

I nodded and she left the room, saying something softly to Scott on the way out. He nodded then brought me the cup of water.

"Are you okay?" I asked, sipping the water.

He rubbed his hands down his face, obviously stressed. "I'm okay. Just worried about you." He admitted.

I shrugged. "Don't be." I told him. "That was a one time thing, I swear."

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