Chapter Seventeen

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Mitch POV

The pain in my abdomen was excruciating, but it was my wrists that bothered me most. He had laughed at the pain that had plagued me for months. He laughed at my weakness.

My body felt tired, and I knew I needed sleep, but I couldn't rest. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see was Trevor holding that knife. It made me want to vomit. Scott had eventually succumb to his own tiredness, even after insisting he would stay awake with me.

His head rested on the edge of my bed and I gently wiped away the tears that remained on his face, but even then it was still red and puffy from where he'd been crying.

I'd never seen him completely break down before, and honestly, it scared me to know that he'd cried this much while I was in surgery. I knew that Trevor's attack was going to screw me up for the rest of my life, but I'd hoped it hadn't damaged him as deeply.

I was relieved, though, that he was able to steal a few hours of sleep. He'd constantly insisted that he wasn't tired as I begged him to get some rest, and eventually his body gave him no choice. I was glad he could have that little bit of peace.

I thought about drifting off myself, but every time I'd start to fall asleep, the bed would squeak or someone in the hallway would bump into my door and once again, I'd be wide awake.

Scott POV

I blinked my eyes groggily, the harsh light making them ache. I groaned and lifted my head. Had I actually been asleep?

I glanced over at Mitch. His gaze was focused on something across the room and there was a tray of uneaten food in front of him.

"Hey," I said softly.

He looked at me, although it seemed more as if he were looking straight through me. "Hey," he muttered in response.

I noticed dark circles under his eyes, indicating his lack of sleep and my heart dropped.

"Why don't you try getting some sleep?" I suggested, knowing he'd probably already tried. "I'm here. Nothing will hurt you."

He shook his head. "I'm fine."

I understood why he was having trouble sleeping, but it killed me that I couldn't help him.

"How are you feeling?" I changed the subject. "Is anything hurting?"

He shrugged. "A little, but I'd rather not take any painkillers."

The emptiness in his voice was killing me. I couldn't let Trevor steal the life from him like this.

"You want to watch some TV?" I asked.

He shrugged slightly. "Whatever's fine."

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