Chapter Two

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Mitch POV
 The next morning I woke up in my bed, alone. I was confused. I knew Scott had fallen asleep beside me. Did he wake up and go back to his own bed? I was about to get up and check when my bedroom door opened and Scott walked in carrying two Starbucks cups.
 "Hey." He said, obviously shocked to see me awake.
 He was wearing a gray sweater with white stars on it and a pair of dark jeans. He looked absolutely gorgeous as always.
 "I figured you might enjoy sleeping in this morning, so I went and got some coffee for you." He explained. 
 I smiled, taking one of the cups from him. "Thanks." I said, my voice less animated than usual.
 It was so difficult to wear my usual facade of confidence when I had been so incredibly vulnerable last night.
 "You okay?" Scott asked.
 I shrugged. "I'm fine." I lied. I knew he saw right through my lies, but I lied a lot anyways, and occasionally he'd let it go. This time he didn't.
 "Mitch," He said, his demeanor transitioning into a serious one.
 I put my finger against his lips, stopping whatever words were about to come out. "I don't want to talk about anything anymore. I just want to drink my coffee, wrap up in a blanket, and lose myself in an episode of Spongebob."
 Scott chuckled slightly at the last part. "Sounds like a plan."
 He walked back into the living room to turn on the tv while I changed out of my clothes from yesterday and threw on a pair of comfy sweats and a long-sleeve t-shirt. I only owned one pair of sweatpants because I hardly ever wore them. Days like this were an exception because I knew Scott was the only person I'd be seeing.
 I picked up my coffee cup and made my way out to the living room where Scott was already under half the blanket, engrossed in the tv. I smiled and walked over to the couch, sitting close to him and snuggling under the blanket. I sipped my coffee slowly as I watched the re-run of Spongebob that I'd seen a hundred times.
 Usually I'd laugh at Spongebob, even after seeing it a thousand times, but this time I just couldn't bring myself to do it. I just stared at the tv, listening to Scott's occasional giggle, sipping my coffee.
 Suddenly, Scott spoke up. "What can I do to make you feel better?" He asked.
 "Huh?" I questioned.
 "You always laugh at this episode. You're not yourself today. I can tell you're still upset about last night and it kills me seeing you like this."
 I lowered my face. "I'm sorry." I muttered.
 "Please don't say that. You have nothing to apologize for." He scooted even closer to me and opened his arms. "Come here."
 I scooted into his chest and he closed his arms around me, resting his chin on my head. "You know I love you." He said.
 Not in the way I want. "And you know I love you." I answered blandly.
Scott POV
 It killed me. Mitch has always been so bubbly and alive, but today it seemed like he'd had the life sucked out of him. I'd only seen him like this once before, and that was right after he and Trevor split, but I just assumed it was because of the break up. I wish I had known what was really going on...
 We spent the whole day at home, just watching Spongebob and lounging on the couch. At noon I put a pizza in the oven for lunch, his favorite, but even that didn't seem to cheer him up. I wasn't sure what to do other than to just be there for him.
 At about 9 PM, Mitch said he was tired. He slid off the couch for the first time in 11 hours and moved slowly toward his bedroom.
 "Wait!" I said, struggling to get off the couch in a hurry.
 Mitch stopped and turned around, waiting until I'd caught up with him. I wrapped my arms tight around his shoulders.
 "I love you. Sleep well, okay? Come get me if you need me." I told him.
 He nodded slightly as he pulled away from the hug. "I'm not a child." He said, smiling for the first time all day.
 I smiled back, and then turned back toward the living room. I wanted to get some sleep, but I knew I wouldn't be able to. I'd laid awake for hours last night just thinking about murdering Trevor. I seriously think I would if I ever saw him. I sat back on the couch, my eyes heavy, but my mind too awake for sleep.
 I tried turning the volume down and shutting my eyes, but that only made the thoughts louder in my head. I turned the tv off completely and instead picked up my earbuds that were lying on the coffee table. I plugged them into my phone and blasted some sort of death metal shit that I'd downloaded once. It helped to drown out my thoughts, but was too loud for me to sleep with. Is this what insomnia feels like?
 I groaned and just laid there, listening to the screaming music in my ears, until something even louder seemed to overtake the music. I pulled the earbuds out of my ears, and found myself racing toward Mitch's screams.

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